Behavioral Genetics Models

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No user picture. JuanJMV Joined: 07/20/2016

Correlate residuals in common pathway model

Dear all,

I have fitted a common pathway model—one latent factor and 7 observed variables.

I have fitted a single-factor common pathway model since the previous literature has suggested this structure and also my confirmatory factor analysis.

As previous publications did in the confirmatory factor analysis, the model improved by correlating the residuals between two subscales since these two components have strong component overlap (one sub-scale is used to calculate the other). My confirmatory factor analysis also improved by doing so.

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No user picture. Benny Joined: 05/15/2020

Cholesky with latent traits

Hello, I want to estimate a modified CP model, where I have a Cholesky model with three latent traits (see picture attached).
The d- and e-variables are ordinal (d = 2 categories; e = 3 categories). The s-variable is continuous and in order to integrate it into the LISREL-matrices I define a single factor measurement model with the residual variance set to 0 and the factor loading to 1.
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No user picture. kumarsonu928292 Joined: 10/22/2020

What Things Should I Carry When Migrating from India to Australia?

hello, helpies.. i am migrating to Australia and want to know some important things. "What Things Should I Carry When Migrating to Australia" anyone with the same experience or any people from Australia who knows better. TIA..
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No user picture. Hilton28 Joined: 07/16/2020

Univariate ACE model for a binary variable


Does anyone have an OpenMx script for running a Univariate ACE model for a binary variable? I would like to determine the proportion of variance accounted for by additive genetic, shared, and unique environment for a binary variable that indicates whether someone is or is not a member of a certain class of psychopathology.

Thank you in advance!

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No user picture. benruk Joined: 12/09/2019

RAM Cholesky Decomposition


I am playing around with different kinds of twin models which I try to implement using the RAM-matrix approach, but not defining the expectation object with mxExpectationRAM(), but with mxExpectationNormal(). My idea is to create the A, S (one for MZs and one for DZs) and F matrices as well as the Identity matrix with the mxMatrix() functions and then creating the expected covariance matrices for MZs and DZs with the mxAlgebra() function following the RAM matrix formula.

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No user picture. twolf Joined: 04/24/2020

Large multivariate ACE-model with less parameters?


I am currently interested in understanding how well a large amount of variables (20-40) which do not represent a construct in the psychometric sense but can be broadly viewed as a certain class of influences explains an outcome in comparison to another set of variables. On the phenotypical level this is quite straight forward - I can fit regression models and look at (incremental) R2-values or train a LASSO or something similar on a training set to compare the predicted R2's on the validation set.

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No user picture. noamm Joined: 10/10/2018

Help with thinking about a non-trivial GxE twin model


On a phenotypic level, I'm testing a model where Trait1 is moderating the effect of environment on Trait2.
However, when wanting to test my model within a genetic level, I'm having trouble to figure out what model I can use that will be most similar to the claim I have within the phenotypic level.

I can test whether my environmental factor moderates the genetic effects of Trait2 (with a GxE twin model). But this misses the part where Trait1 (which is highly heritable), moderates the association (or maybe the moderation?).