OpenMx Structural Equation Modeling

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No user picture. Lisa M Joined: 08/19/2013

P value of 1 in mxCompare

I am working on an analysis of a univariate sex limitation model for depression and I have run into a potential problem. When comparing the homogeneity ACE model to the AE model, I get a p-value of 1 in mxCompare. The fit of the models are very similar:

> mxCompare(HomACEModelFit,HomAEModelFit)
base comparison ep minus2LL df AIC diffLL diffdf p
1 HomACE 4 16217.9 21258 -26298.1 NA NA NA

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No user picture. dadrivr Joined: 01/19/2010

Constraining loadings on factor so average of loadings equals 1 and average of intercepts equals 0

I am running a CFA and would like to use the "effects coding" method of identification described by Little, Slegers, and Card (2006). In the effects coding method, the loadings of a factor are constrained so that the average of the loadings equals 1 and the average of the intercepts equals 0. How can I do this with OpenMx? I imagine it involves mxConstraint or mxAlgebra, but am not sure where to begin. Here's a small example of a model that I'd like to modify to use effects coding:

oneFactorModel <- mxModel("CFA",

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Picture of user. Charlotte Joined: 07/02/2012

Simplex model & sex differences

Dear all,

I am working on a simplex script in openMx. There are quantitative and qualitative sex differences for my phenotype, so I estimate separate paths for males and females and I would also like to freely estimate the dos correlations between the latent As. However, I am struggling with the transmission paths.
Probably, someone else has already dealt with this. I would like to know whether there are any simplex scripts available that take into account sex differences?


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No user picture. yoosoo Joined: 06/19/2014

Multilevel SEM with complex sampling

Dear all,

Would you confirm if OpenMx supports multilevel SEM on complex sampling survey data, with categorical outcome? (each datapoint has different weight)

Thank you!

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No user picture. CharlesD Joined: 04/30/2013

Returned matrices (expCov, expMean, A,S, etc) only reflect last row of data

Hi folks. I mentioned this to Joshua who asked me to post it here for further input. While wondering about some strange output in one of my functions the other day I discovered that the matrices output by openmx only reflect the last calculated row of data. I believe this only becomes evident when definition variables are used, such that the A S or M matrices (when using RAM format, though I don't believe it's limited to this case) depend on the definition variable.
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Picture of user. brandmaier Joined: 02/04/2010

Standardized estimates under equality constraints

I was wondering how OpenMx treats standardized estimates under equality constraints.

I ran a linear latent growth curve model in OpenMx and constrained all residual variances to be equal. Not surprisingly, they all get to be the same unstandardized estimate. However, OpenMx reports only a single standardized estimate for the residual, which happens to be the one associated with the first observation. Even if the unstandardized estimates are constrained to be equal, the unstandardized ones need not be and in reality seldom are the same.


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Picture of user. Julia Joined: 03/29/2012

Adding new algebras in submodels and constraining them

I am running a bivariate moderation model and would like to set some constraints in order to test for some nonlinear effects. I am struggling though with adding new algebras into submodels (with subsequent equating them). Let's say that I specify

pathAm <- mxMatrix(name = "am", type = "Lower", nrow = nv, ncol = nv, free=T, labels = c("amM","amC","amU"), values=pathVal)
pathCm <- mxMatrix(name = "cm", type = "Lower", nrow = nv, ncol = nv, free=T, labels = c("cmM","cmC","cmU"), values=pathVal)

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No user picture. lind0r Joined: 12/27/2013

Unable to reproduce MASEM results from a published study


I'd like to reproduce the meta-analytic structural equation modeling (MASEM) results from this study:

I used the correlation matrix (Table 3, p. 559) as input and specified the paths according to Figure 2 (p. 560).
Additionally, I set the number of observations to 701 (p. 558).
The full openMx code is attached.

The openMx output for the parameter estimates fits the values in Figure 2 quite well.
However, the openMX fit statistics are quite different from the ones in the paper.