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Cascade / stealth model script example for OpenMx
I hope everyone is healthy.
I have been looking into extended family design, starting with S Medland papers [1,2]. Also, M Keller have some basic scripts [here]( which does not specify Medland's model completely, nor the Stealth model. My question:
- Does anyone care to share a script example for training purposes on either/or models? Or point to where I can find these?
Many thanks,

Wrong estimates when using definition variables and WLS

Performance regression of OpenMx for simple CFA model
The results on my machine are
lavaan: 0.16 seconds/31 iterations
OpenMx: 13.2 seconds/135 iterations

Estimating a non-linear model in OpenMx
- Read more about Estimating a non-linear model in OpenMx
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Get all log likelihoods from mxTryHard() extratries
is it possible to obtain the log likelihoods from all tries of mxTryHard()? It prints a lot to console, but I can't find this information in the returned object.
Thank you kindly,

CIs are NA but their status is OK - is this OK?
I am trying to compute confidence intervals for the parameters that I define as matrix algebra
summary(model) gives the following (only CIs showing):

Parallelization of the objective function for definition variables
With ML estimation, because there is a unique model-implied covariance matrix per person, which has to be inverted per person, I assumed that parallelizing the objective function should improve performance drastically. However, changing the number of threads does not change the performance - so I assume I probably did something wrong. I followed this wiki pages instructions:

Automation of monophenotype analyses
please could you let me know whether it is possible to automate monophenotype analyses ( and also when adjusting for age and sex)?
I was searching whether this might be possible, and found one similar question ( with very similar code to what I am currently using. However, it is unclear whether it is possible to do this or not. I have 142 monophenotypes I need to calculate heritability for.
- Read more about Automation of monophenotype analyses
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Bivariate ACE model with moderator
I am currently working on a project on how school achievement moderates intelligence among young adults. My sample consists of 4,084 German twins aged 17 and 23-24, respectively, who have information on both GPA and intelligence. However, the twins' GPAs come from various types of secondary schools so to check whether I need to use school type as a moderator in my GxE analyses, I first want to see what happens if I run separate bivariate variance decomposition analyses for the three school types constraining their parameters equal.
- Read more about Bivariate ACE model with moderator
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Applying the univariate ACE model to more than one phenotype at a time
Is it possible to adjust the code attached to run the model for each of these simultaneously to get the output (h, c and e), or is it only possible to run the model for each metabolite individually?
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