OpenMx General Help

Weird model comparison results when using WLS

Dealing with duplicated data in a multilevel model
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Equivalent of qnorm() and pnorm() in mxAlgebra?
I would like to use the quantile and distribution function for a (not standard) normal distribution in an mxAlgebra, equivalent to using qnorm() and pnorm() in R. Does this exist?
Thanks in advance!

Problems with variance estimation with missing continuous data: WLS seem to replace NA with 0
I'm currently building an extended children-of-twins-and-siblings model that will have dichotomous data in the child generation and continuous data in the parent generation. The model includes both twins and their partners (co-parents), so that assortative mating can be taken into account. The number of free parameters (>10) make maximum likelihood unfeasible when using dichotomous data (i.e., the processing time is too long). I therefore use the WLS fit function instead.

Vector of individual scores (logL derivatives)?

Identification of CFA with continuous vs. ordinal variables
As demonstrated in the sample script and dataset, the model (using ML) with continuous variables the model is identified and no error is thrown.
If I recode variables as ordinal, and add thresholds to the model I get the error messages differing based on fit function.

Algorithm underlying omxMnor
I am currently using omxMnor to calculate the multivariate normal integral in my paper. Wonder what is the underlying algorithm implemented by omxMnor. Any references would be greatly appreciated!
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Fitting model with three latent variables and 16 ordinal and four continuous indicators

Effects coding method in CFA
$$ \frac{\lambda_1 + \lambda_2 + \lambda_3 + \lambda_4}{4} = 1 $$
- Read more about Effects coding method in CFA
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CRAN test failure
As I'm sure you're aware, OpenMx and its dependencies have been scheduled for archival from CRAN. I was just wondering whether a response is underway on your side?
Hope you are all well; sincerely,
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