I am beginning to think about how to work up discussion of the GUI. But to discuss the GUI without images seems unnecessarily difficult.
Of course, we can include images by linking externally. Place the image on some publicly accessible spot (picasa, photobucket, smugmug, etc.) and link to it.
But should there be some easy way to include images in a forum post?
Yes, easy include of images would be great. How difficult this is to arrange, I have no idea!
Seems fairly straightforward for like sticking a list of images beneath a post: even supports drag and drop (drag an image onto the "Attach" button in a comment to see) in safari at least.
Also supports html for online links.
joomla seems to support a few plugins for stuff like
Another thing that would make discussion of modelling easier, would be if the forums and wiki could interpret DOT descriptions, especially if OpenMx is to output .dot
I have seen wikis that do allow inline .dot - works well.
That's a great idea and wouldn't be outlandishly difficult to do. I personally don't have time to implement this at the moment, but if you'd like to work on this, I'm sure the Drupal community would welcome a module that added a filter. I could point you in the right direction if this is of interest. Let me know.
would this help us to get to allowing people to embed .dot diagrams?
I included images in a forum post by first attaching the image files to the post and posting the message. Then I went back and edited the post to include <img> tags that pointed at the urls for the attachments. It's not a convenient mechanism, but it works.
Including image on forum post will overload the server and make the forum board slow. Images take a lot of space and bandwith.
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