Can't install OpenMx

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No user picture. Ling Zhu Joined: 05/01/2023
1. My operating system: macOS Ventura Version 13.2.1
2. R version 4.3.0 (2023-4-21): I just updated my R version. I also used the older R version to install it but failed, so I think maybe update R could work...
3. Error message:
Warning in install.packages :
unable to access index for repository
cannot open URL ''
Warning in install.packages :
package ‘OpenMx’ is not available as a binary package for this version of R

A version of this package for your version of R might be available elsewhere,
see the ideas at

Hi, I tried to install the OpenMx with NPSOL. i used: source(''). I saw there was a solution to this problem in the Forum before that I can build OpenMx from the source repository, but I am not very familiar with the compelling. Is there anything I could do to fix the installation? (I really need the NPSOL optimiser) Thank you!

Replied on Tue, 05/09/2023 - 15:25
Picture of user. AdminRobK Joined: 01/24/2014

We didn't have a directory in our repository for R 4.3 before. I just made one. Please try installing OpenMx again, and report back if it doesn't work.
Replied on Thu, 05/11/2023 - 03:56
No user picture. Ling Zhu Joined: 05/01/2023

In reply to by AdminRobK

Thank you for your quick response! I cleared the workspace and restarted to try installing again, but it still shows the same error.

- source('')
- You are now installing the latest version of OpenMx, compiled with NPSOL, that is available for R-4
Warning in install.packages :
unable to access index for repository
cannot open URL ''
Warning in install.packages :
package ‘OpenMx’ is not available as a binary package for this version of R

A version of this package for your version of R might be available elsewhere,
see the ideas at

Replied on Thu, 05/11/2023 - 05:09
No user picture. Ling Zhu Joined: 05/01/2023

In reply to by Ling Zhu

Hi, It's very strange that my colleague also faced the same problem after she erased the OpenMx and installed again. And we both use Mac. This is her version.

> mxVersion()
OpenMx version: 2.21.1 [GIT v2.21.1]
R version: R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0
MacOS: 13.3.1
Default optimizer: NPSOL
NPSOL-enabled?: No
OpenMP-enabled?: No

Her current error:

The downloaded binary packages are in
> library(OpenMx)
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘OpenMx’ in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...):
unable to load shared object '/Users/laura.wesseldijk/Library/R/x86_64/4.2/library/OpenMx/libs/':
dlopen(/Users/laura.wesseldijk/Library/R/x86_64/4.2/library/OpenMx/libs/, 0x0006): Library not loaded: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
Referenced from: <57D15468-935F-33AA-A8FE-859B3C044CB2> /Users/laura.wesseldijk/Library/R/x86_64/4.2/library/OpenMx/libs/
Reason: tried: '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib' (no such file), '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib' (no such file), '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/local/lib/libRlapack.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/lib/libRlapack.dylib' (no such file, not in dyld cache)

I had the same error message with her before I update My R into 4.3. And I saw there is a given bug in R software website.. My macOS is Ventura, Maybe it has something to do with this?
macOS Ventura users: there is a known bug in Ventura preventing installations from some locations without a prompt. If the installation fails, move the downloaded file away from the Downloads folder (e.g., to your home or Desktop)

Thank you for your help! hope we can fix this.

Replied on Thu, 05/11/2023 - 10:53
Picture of user. AdminRobK Joined: 01/24/2014

In reply to by Ling Zhu

Your colleague is not experiencing the exact problem as you. She is able to download and install OpenMx, but loading the package raises errors. I'm going to have to ask the other developers about this one.

Edit: I think the issue with Ventura you referenced is relevant only to installing R, and not installing R packages.

Replied on Thu, 05/09/2024 - 13:07
Picture of user. ngillespie Joined: 09/24/2009

In reply to by AdminRobK

Dear Rob & developers,

I am having trouble installing OpenMx with NPSOL.

Here is what I have done:

# Running: MacOS 13.6.5 on 4.2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7
# Downloaded & installed R-4.4.0-x86_64.pkg (for older Intel Macs)
# Running: R 4.4.0 GUI 1.80 Big Sur Intel build (8376)

Loading required package: OpenMx
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘OpenMx’ in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...):
unable to load shared object '/Users/ngillespie/Library/R/x86_64/4.4/library/OpenMx/libs/':
dlopen(/Users/ngillespie/Library/R/x86_64/4.4/library/OpenMx/libs/, 0x0006): tried: '/Users/ngillespie/Library/R/x86_64/4.4/library/OpenMx/libs/' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'arm64', need 'x86_64h' or 'x86_64')), '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/Users/ngillespie/Library/R/x86_64/4.4/library/OpenMx/libs/' (no such file), '/Users/ngillespie/Library/R/x86_64/4.4/library/OpenMx/libs/' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'arm64', need 'x86_64h' or 'x86_64'))