Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Measurement Models

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No user picture. rachelg Joined: 09/22/2020

Item parcels

I was wondering whether anyone could help me with a query about using item parcels versus summary suscale scores in a CFA model. I have a model that has 5 factors each with 2 indicators that are subscale scores of different measures (3 measures in total). These subscales have been validated in the sample that I'm using.

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No user picture. metinbulus Joined: 11/17/2018

Measurement invariance in CFA with ordinal data (converegence issues)

Hi all,

I have been trying to replicate measurement invariance for the CFA model with ordinal data (theta parametrization) in Kline (2015) but have failed due to convergence issues (even after roughly adjusting starting values for thresholds based on lavaan output). I also tried mxAutoStart(). I am wondering if I am missing something.


radloffdata <- read.table("", sep="\t", header = FALSE)
colnames(radloffdata) <- c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5", "g")

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No user picture. lior abramson Joined: 07/21/2017

confidence intervals with mxTryHardOrdinal optimizer

I would like to compute confidence intervals for the ACE components in a univariate twins analysis.
Since I have categorical covariates in the model, the only way I could make the model work was by replacing the mxRun optimizer with mxTryHardOrdinal optimizer. However, according to the R documentation of the mxCI function, the mxCI could not run with other optimizers except for mxRun. Similarly, even though I ask for "intervals=TRUE" in the model, the lbound and ubound of the summary output are NAs.

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No user picture. konval Joined: 04/04/2016

help with SEM

Dear all,

I am very new to both OpenMx and structural equation modelling. I am trying to analyse data from educational research (see attached file for description). I have tried some examples from OpenMx but couldn’t figure out how to run SEM on my own data. I would appreciate greatly if I can get help on how to run factor SEM on my data. I have 3 factors (class, subject and student) and 12 measurements that are binomial (0 or 1). Thanks in advance


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No user picture. dadrivr Joined: 01/19/2010

Unstandardized ML factor scores

I'd like to obtain unstandardized factor scores for a single factor CFA, with the factor scores on the same metric (approximately the same mean, SD, range, distribution) as the indicators. There is missingness in the data, so ML factor scores are preferred. How can I do this in OpenMX? I read Appendix A from Estabrook and Neale's (2013) paper on estimating ML factor scores in OpenMx:

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No user picture. TQum Joined: 05/28/2015

Need help

Hello Everyone, Please HELP

I am trying to test CFA with AMOS and I have some error messages that I couldn't understand.

I parceled the items in some scales but I recieve messages such as (Probability level cannot be computed)

The model is probably unidentified. In order to achieve identifiability, it will probably be necessary to impose 1 additional constraint.

Anyone has any idea why the models didn't run? if you need more info please let me know

Thank you so much

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No user picture. krzysiek Joined: 09/05/2013

Higher-order factors, Matrix Specification


Is this possible to model higher-order factors using matrix specification instead of path specification in OpenMx?


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No user picture. metavid Joined: 06/23/2014
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No user picture. AnneN. Joined: 02/27/2014

Confidence Intervals generated by OpenMx do not seem to look right to me.

Hi all,
I ran a simple regression model in AMOS and repeated it in OpenMx in order to obtain the confidence interval for my regression coefficients and see that the a certain coefficient in my output came out significant (p <.001) in amos but not significant in OpenMx (i.e., confidence interval contains zero). I am not sure what to make of it. Here is the info from the AMOS output:
Estimate S.E. C.R. (Critical Ratio) P.
.276 .077 3.589 ***

The OpenMx output for that estimate and CI are:
Estimate Std. Error Std. Estimate Std.SE
.2757 .0756 .3895 .1069