OpenMx 1.1

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Picture of user. mspiegel Joined: 07/31/2009

OpenMx 1.1 new features

With the release of the OpenMx 1.0 series, we have switched to a dual branch development workflow. Any code modifications to the current release cycle (currently 1.0) will consist sole of bug fixes and minor cleanup. New features will be added to the development branch of code. The development branch of code will eventually become the next release cycle (which will be 1.1). As the development branch moves forward, we will periodically issue a binary release of this branch. This release will be in addition to, not in lieu of, stable releases.
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Picture of user. mspiegel Joined: 07/31/2009

defvar.row argument to mxEval

In the OpenMx 1.1 release, the argument defvar.row has been added to the mxEval function. This argument can specify which row number to use when populating definition variables. It is applied only when compute=TRUE in a call to mxEval. The row number uses the R convention of 1-based indexing (ie. the rows are numbered 1, 2, 3, etc.).
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Picture of user. mspiegel Joined: 07/31/2009


The mxErrorPool() is a function that allows the user to retrieve a model that has been executed and returned with an error. If mxRun() throws an error, then no model is returned to the user. This has the advantage of strongly reminding the user that the result of the optimization is very likely incorrect. However, this behavior is discouraging when debugging a model. One alternative is to use mxRun(unsafe=TRUE) that will convert any errors into warnings.