Two or more environmental mediators in one model

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No user picture. Qiuzhi Xie Joined: 12/27/2018
In the ACEF model (F is an identified shared environment), is it possible to involve 2 or more identified shared environmental factors (as the mediators) in one model?
Replied on Fri, 03/26/2021 - 04:31
No user picture. Qiuzhi Xie Joined: 12/27/2018

In reply to by AdminRobK

In a univariate ACEF model, I want to see to what proportion of a phenotype could be explained by A, C, E, and 3 identified shared environmental factors (e.g., SES, home English use frequency, and school English use frequency). Can I involve all these identified shared environmental factors in one univariate model and see the respective proportion of the phenotype explained by the 3 factors?
Replied on Fri, 03/26/2021 - 07:19
No user picture. Benny Joined: 05/15/2020

Yes, you could add covariates to the model - as part of the covariance matrix or the means vector. Before, you may want to read the following two articles about adding shared environmental covariates: [1]( and [2](
Replied on Fri, 03/26/2021 - 10:47
No user picture. Qiuzhi Xie Joined: 12/27/2018

In reply to by Benny

Many thanks for your reply! Yes, a shared environmental factor could be added in the univariate ACE model as a mediator. However, the current OpenMx scripts seem only support adding one shared environmental factors into the ACE model at one time but not support adding 2 or more factors into the ACE at the same time.