mxFitFunctionAlgebra question
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Joined: 10/19/2009
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macOutput.txt | 3.45 KB |
linuxOutput.txt | 3.55 KB |
Attached are two outputs, one from OpenMx using OS X on a Mac and the other from OpenMx 2.2.2 on Red Hat Linux. In both situations the models converge when I use mxExpectationNormal and mxFitFunctionML. But when I manually set the fit function to -log(likelihood) using mxFitFunctionAlgebra, mxRun crashes in both operating systems (albeit with different errors).
Am perplexed.
Am perplexed.
Two issues
What you have
fval <- mxAlgebra(.5*(N - 1)*(log(det(preCov)) +
tr(obsCov %*% solve(preCov))), name="fval")
# What it should be
fval <- mxAlgebra((N - 1)*(log(det(preCov)) - log(det(obsCov))
tr(obsCov %*% solve(preCov)) - 4), name="fval")
Yes, it's just a scale and location adjustment on the fit function, but when weird things are happening it's often best to eliminate unnecessary sources of variability.
Second, the model is not identified without an additional constraint (in the form of an mxAlgebra) on the uniquenesses.
mxMatrix("Unit", 4, 1, name="vectorofOnes")
mxAlgebra(vectorofOnes - (diag2vec(fpat %*% t(fpat))) , name="u")
# drop
# umat <- mxMatrix(name="u", type="Diag", nrow=4, free=T,
# values=u)
mxAlgebra(fpat %*% t(fpat) + vec2diag(u), name="preCov"),
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In reply to Two issues by mhunter
More perplexed
(1) minimizing -log(L) and minimizing -2log(L) will lead to the same solution given that the first derivatives for both functions will converge to small numbers close to 0. If there is any advantage, then it goes to -log(L) because the derivatives will be 1/2 those of -2log(L)
(2) as I pointed out years ago in this forum ( minimizing -2Log(L) will give incorrect standard errors. In fact, in other circumstances mxFitFunctionAlgebra() gave me the wrong standard errors. That is why I started exploring the issue.
(3) The model is indeed identified. Otherwise, the MxModel called mod1 would not have converged to the correct solution. (I verified that using a completely different minimizer before I posted).
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In reply to More perplexed by carey
Greg, the major problem with
f <- c(.7, .9, .2, .8)
u <- diag(1 - f*f)
Sigma <- f %*% t(f) + u
N <- 1000
X <- mvrnorm(N, rep(0, 4), Sigma)
obsCov <- cov(X)
vn <- paste("V", 1:4, sep="")
dn <- list(vn, vn)
dimnames(obsCov) <- dn
colnames(X) <- vn
fpat <- mxMatrix(name="fpat", type="Full", nrow=4, ncol=1,free=T, values=f)
umat <- mxMatrix(name="u", type="Diag", nrow=4, free=T,values=u)
preCov <- mxAlgebra(fpat %*% t(fpat) + u, name="preCov",dimnames=dn)
obsData <- mxData(obsCov, type="cov", numObs=N)
#This is the loglikelihood, after dropping terms that are not functions of parameters:
fval <- mxAlgebra(.5*(1000 - 1)*(log(det(preCov)) + tr(obsCov %*% solve(preCov))), name="fval")
#fval <- mxAlgebra(0.5*(1000 - 1)*(log(det(preCov)) - log(det(obsCov)) + tr(obsCov %*% solve(preCov)) - 4), name="fval")
mod1 <- mxModel("model1_150528", fpat, umat, preCov, obsData, fval,mxExpectationNormal("preCov", dimnames=vn),
mod1Results <- mxRun(mod1)
( mod1Summ <- summary(mod1Results) )
#Enforce strictly positive unique variances:
umat <- mxMatrix(name="u", type="Diag", nrow=4, free=T,values=u,lbound=0.0001)
mod2 <- mxModel("model2_150528", fpat, umat, preCov, obsData, fval, mxFitFunctionAlgebra("fval"))
#OpenMx will assume that the algebra fitfunction is -2logL, so its automatic SEs will be wrong:
mod2 <- mxOption(mod2,"Standard Errors","No")
mod2Results <- mxRun(mod2)
( mod2Summ <- summary(mod2Results) )
#Compare fitfunction minima:
mod2Results$output$minimum * 2
#Compare parameter-estimate tables:
#Compare standard errors:
matrix(sqrt(diag(solve(mod2Results$output$hessian))),dimnames = list(rownames(mod2Results$output$hessian),NULL))
You will further see that the fitfunction values at the solution, the point estimates, and the standard errors agree between mod1 (using built-in ML) and mod2 (using your algebra fitfunction):
> #Compare fitfunction minima:
> mod1Results$output$minimum
[1] 2560.021
> mod2Results$output$minimum * 2
[1] 2560.021
> #Compare parameter-estimate tables:
> mod1Summ$par
name matrix row col Estimate Std.Error lbound ubound lboundMet uboundMet
1 model1_150528.fpat[1,1] fpat 1 1 0.6922554 0.02908638 NA NA FALSE FALSE
2 model1_150528.fpat[2,1] fpat 2 1 0.8559914 0.02785441 NA NA FALSE FALSE
3 model1_150528.fpat[3,1] fpat 3 1 0.1512036 0.03283377 NA NA FALSE FALSE
4 model1_150528.fpat[4,1] fpat 4 1 0.7908544 0.02825001 NA NA FALSE FALSE
5 model1_150528.u[1,1] u 1 1 0.4860006 0.02650040 NA NA FALSE FALSE
6 model1_150528.u[2,2] u 2 2 0.2283616 0.02517103 NA NA FALSE FALSE
7 model1_150528.u[3,3] u 3 3 0.9119656 0.04097672 NA NA FALSE FALSE
8 model1_150528.u[4,4] u 4 4 0.3298028 0.02460205 NA NA FALSE FALSE
> mod2Summ$par
name matrix row col Estimate Std.Error lbound ubound lboundMet uboundMet
1 model2_150528.fpat[1,1] fpat 1 1 0.6922554 NA NA NA FALSE FALSE
2 model2_150528.fpat[2,1] fpat 2 1 0.8559914 NA NA NA FALSE FALSE
3 model2_150528.fpat[3,1] fpat 3 1 0.1512036 NA NA NA FALSE FALSE
4 model2_150528.fpat[4,1] fpat 4 1 0.7908545 NA NA NA FALSE FALSE
5 model2_150528.u[1,1] u 1 1 0.4860006 NA 1e-04 NA FALSE FALSE
6 model2_150528.u[2,2] u 2 2 0.2283616 NA 1e-04 NA FALSE FALSE
7 model2_150528.u[3,3] u 3 3 0.9119656 NA 1e-04 NA FALSE FALSE
8 model2_150528.u[4,4] u 4 4 0.3298028 NA 1e-04 NA FALSE FALSE
> #Compare standard errors:
> mod1Results$output$standardErrors
model1_150528.fpat[1,1] 0.02908638
model1_150528.fpat[2,1] 0.02785441
model1_150528.fpat[3,1] 0.03283377
model1_150528.fpat[4,1] 0.02825001
model1_150528.u[1,1] 0.02650040
model1_150528.u[2,2] 0.02517103
model1_150528.u[3,3] 0.04097672
model1_150528.u[4,4] 0.02460205
> matrix(sqrt(diag(solve(mod2Results$output$hessian))),dimnames = list(rownames(mod2Results$output$hessian),NULL))
model2_150528.fpat[1,1] 0.02908629
model2_150528.fpat[2,1] 0.02785451
model2_150528.fpat[3,1] 0.03283363
model2_150528.fpat[4,1] 0.02824991
model2_150528.u[1,1] 0.02650037
model2_150528.u[2,2] 0.02517099
model2_150528.u[3,3] 0.04097642
model2_150528.u[4,4] 0.02460192
The lower bound on the unique variances might be what Mike hunter had in mind when he mentioned a constraint on the uniquenesses, but his exact recommendation doesn't apply here, as you are not analyzing a correlation matrix. I agree that the model is identified;
says that it is locally identified at its start values.FWIW, I ran this code with an OpenMx revision built from the head of the git repository this morning:
> mxVersion()
OpenMx version: [GIT v2.2.4-8-g4660d2a]
R version: R version 3.1.1 (2014-07-10)
Platform: i386-w64-mingw32
Default optimiser: SLSQP
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In reply to Greg, the major problem with by AdminRobK
AH! That would explain matters! At the same time, it is problematic for anyone trying to do novel things with OpenMx. I've put these data through several optimizers and they all work fine. If the tuning of the optimizers is so sensitive with mxFitFunctionAlgebra, then I'll avoid using OpenMx with it.
Also, there is nothing in the documentation to the effect that "OpenMx will assume that the algebra fitfunction is -2logL, so its automatic SEs will be wrong." You definitely need to include that in the documentation so that people are aware of it.
And Mike--the simulations that I did were on an older version of OpenMx. In fact, those simulations along with some done by Lindon Eaves convinced the OpenMx folks at the time to change their way of calculating the standard errors to get the correct ones.
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In reply to AHA! by carey
Also, there is nothing in the
Agreed. The help page has already been updated in the git repository. BTW, in recent versions of OpenMx (including 2.2), the user can specify the "units" of an algebra fitfunction, and can explicitly tell OpenMx whether the fitfunction is or is not -2logL.
Bear in mind that the optimizer is just trying to minimize a loss function. It doesn't know what the parameter space is unless it is told, either explicitly (via bounds or constraints) or implicitly (by soft feasibility constraints built into the fitfunction). The only major thing your model was missing was a bound to keep the uniquenesses positive (i.e., to avoid the well-known problem of "Heywood cases").
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In reply to More perplexed by carey
Use the correct standard errors
results[i,hStrt:hEnd] <- sqrt(diag(solve(thisMxModel@output$hessian)))
These are not the standard errors that OpenMx reports. Later you correct the formula by multiplying by sqrt(2). These are what OpenMx reports. I verified this by running your simulation and then extracting the standard errors from summary. Alternatively, you could also get these at model$output$standardErrors. Here are the results from the last replication.
IncorrectForumlaFromSim CorrectFormulaFromSim ReportedByOpenMxSummary
hessLambda1 0.06223995 0.08802059 0.08802059
hessLambda2 0.04557903 0.06445848 0.06445848
hessLambda3 0.05496074 0.07772623 0.07772623
hessLambda4 0.04216909 0.05963610 0.05963610
hessSpecifics1 0.09786250 0.13839847 0.13839847
hessSpecifics2 0.05542296 0.07837990 0.07837990
hessSpecifics3 0.07493568 0.10597506 0.10597506
hessSpecifics4 0.04937788 0.06983087 0.06983087
As for the model, it is locally identified, but not globally. As long as it doesn't wander too far from the true solution, it's identified. But there are infinitely many other solutions that also fit.
Empirically, I found it sufficient to add a lower bound on the residual variances to identify the model.
umat <- mxMatrix(name="u", type="Diag", nrow=4, free=T,
values=u, lbound=1e-6)
As far as the standard errors, the -2*log(L) model gives the correct standard errors in summary. The standard errors reported by your mxAlgebraFitFunction are the standard errors based on the Hessian of your algebra fit function, and may or may not correspond to anything meaningful depending on the fit function used.
As Rob suggested, setting the likelihood scale
makes OpenMx use -log(L). It also gives identical (and correct) standard errors when compared to using the -2*log(L).
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loglikelihood scale
and then build your MxModel using an MxExpectationNormal and MxFitFunctionML.
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