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Joined: 12/20/2009
Could anybody tell how to correct the following mxAlgebra statement to get the real eigenvalue parts of a matrix A
When running the model I get the error message:
Error: Unknown reference 'TRUE' detected in the entity 'eigen' in model 'eigen-example'
When running the model I get the error message:
Error: Unknown reference 'TRUE' detected in the entity 'eigen' in model 'eigen-example'
Unfortunately, not all
I'd be happy to add Re() and eigen() to the list of requested functions.
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In reply to Unfortunately, not all by Steve
Yeah. This functionality is
and another that does
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In reply to Yeah. This functionality is by mspiegel
That seems like a good
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In reply to That seems like a good by Steve
Steve and mspiegel, Could you
Could you also implement the imaginary parts
Im(eigen(foo, only.values = TRUE)$values) # omxEigenRealVal?
Im(eigen(foo)$vectors) # omxEigenRealVec?
as well as the exponential function exp()? All three are announced in the OpenMx reference Manual and are for me the main reason to change from Mx to openMx. I would be happy to be able to take the exponential function of complex eigenvalues as it is possible in R. Thanks. Han
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In reply to Steve and mspiegel, Could you by HanOud
That sounds like a good idea
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In reply to That sounds like a good idea by mspiegel
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In reply to eigen() by pdeboeck
eigenvec, eigenval, ieigenvec, ieigenval
for details.There are different functions for real and imaginary parts, and different functions for eigenvectors and eigenvalues.
Just a note, these are pretty slow right now. But they work, and are implemented in both the 1.0 release and the developer's trunk.
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In reply to eigenvec, eigenval, ieigenvec, ieigenval by tbrick
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In reply to Unfortunately, not all by Steve
Dear all, just to make sure I
just to make sure I understand things correctly: There is currently no way to compute a matrix exponential in openMx, right? In Mx this was possible via the eval() and evec() functions, but both are not (yet) implemented in openMx, right? Are you planning to implement these functions soon? Thank you so much for your help!
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In reply to Dear all, just to make sure I by manu
That is correct, an analogous
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In reply to That is correct, an analogous by mspiegel
thank you for your fast
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In reply to thank you for your fast by manu
As of OpenMx 0.3.0, the
Please give them a try--we welcome your comments.
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Dear mspiegel, Just out of
Just out of curiosity. Your implementations of Mx algebra functions are also in R? Where can I find e.g. how function mxAlgebra(sin(),name="") looks like in R?
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In reply to Dear mspiegel, Just out of by HanOud
Ah. So each matrix operator
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Thank you!
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In reply to only.values by jdellava
The OpenMx functions are
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