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Example Models

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This is an example from chapter 13 of Schumacker and Lomax’s Beginner’s guide to SEM

The fitted model is as follows:

mimic model
mimic model

Not shown on this diagram is the fact that the variance of the formative variables (income, occupation, education) are fixed to 1 (the data input are a correlation matrix) (hat-tip to Andreas Brandmaier for this!)

# Often you will see data presented as a lower diagonal.
# the readMoments() function in the sem package is a nice helper to read this from the screen:
data = sem::readMoments(file = "", diag = TRUE)
.304 1
.305 .344   1
.100 .156 .158   1
.284 .192 .324 .360   1
.176 .136 .226 .210 .265  1
# terminates with an empty line: see ?readMoments for more help
# now letsfill in the upper triangle with a flipped version of the lower
data[upper.tri(data, diag=F)] = t(data)[upper.tri(data, diag=F)]
# Set up manifest variables
manifests = c("income", "occup", "educ", "church", "member", "friends")
# Use these to create names for our dataframe
dimnames(data) = list(manifests, manifests)
# And latents
latents   = "social" # 1 latent, with three formative inputs, and three reflective outputs (each with residuals)
# Just to be helpful to myself, I've made lists of the formative sources, and the reflective receiver variables in this MIMIC model
receivers = manifests[4:6]
sources   = manifests[1:3]
MIMIC <- mxModel("MIMIC", type="RAM",
    manifestVars = manifests,
    latentVars   = latents,
    # Factor loadings
    mxPath(from = sources , to = "social" ),
    mxPath(from = "social", to = receivers),
    # Correlated formative sources for F1, each with variance = 1
    mxPath(from = sources, connect = "unique.bivariate", arrows = 2),
    mxPath(from = sources, arrows = 2, values = 1, free=F ),
    # Residual variance on receivers
    mxPath(from = receivers, arrows = 2),
    mxData(data, type = "cov", numObs = 530)
MIMIC <- mxRun(MIMIC); summary(MIMIC)
  free parameters:
     name matrix     row     col   Estimate   Std.Error lbound ubound
  1        A  social  income 0.13244947  5.51420454              
  2        A  social   occup 0.05701774  2.37389629              
  3        A  social    educ 0.19511219  8.12304135              
  4        A  church  social 0.60971866 25.38489597              
  5        A  member  social 1.28671307 53.56883563              
  6        A friends  social 0.86519046 36.02017596              
  7        S  income   occup 0.30399991  0.03764547              
  8        S  income    educ 0.30499977  0.03761111              
  9        S   occup    educ 0.34399974  0.03618180              
  10       S  church  church 0.96770471  0.05954356              
  11       S  member  member 0.85617184  0.05267749              
  12       S friends friends 0.93497178  0.05749125              
  observed statistics:  21 
  estimated parameters:  12 
  degrees of freedom:  9 
  -2 log likelihood:  2893.752 
  saturated -2 log likelihood:  2804.686 
  number of observations:  530 
  chi-square:  89.06589 
  p:  2.506216e-15 
  Information Criteria: 
      df Penalty Parameters Penalty Sample-Size Adjusted
  AIC   71.06589           113.0659                   NA
  BIC   32.61000           164.3404              126.249
  CFI: 0.7740255 
  TLI: 0.6233758 
  RMSEA:  0.1295581 

Joint continuous and ordinal CFA

Contributed by, any errors or questions, please post on the forums.

Data: Built-in example data frame

Variables: One continuous variable, and two binary ordinal variables

The fitted model is as follows:

mimic model
mimic model -->

# Read in an example dataset supplied with the OpenMx package
# Grab three variables
df <- myFADataRaw[, c("x1","z1", "z3")]
# rename them to be more memorable
manifests = c("cont1", "ord1","ord2")
names(df) <-manifests 
# For OpenMx to work with ordinal data, they must be ordered factors!
df$ord1 <- mxFactor(df$ord1, levels=0:1)
df$ord2 <- mxFactor(df$ord2, levels=0:2)
# Let's see what we're working with now
'data.frame':    500 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ cont1: num  1 1.63 1.95 2.95 3.66 ...
 $ ord1 : Ord.factor w/ 2 levels "0"<"1": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 ...
 $ ord2 : Ord.factor w/ 3 levels "0"<"1"<"2": 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 ...
hist(df$cont1) # nice and normal
plot(~df$ord1) # binary - 4x as many 1s as 0s
plot(~df$ord2) # three-values: low endorsement of the highest value
# Just to help keep things simple in the model, let's list up the continuous 
# and the ordinal manifests separately
ordinalVars = manifests[2:3]
continuousVars = manifests[1]
m1 <- mxModel("joint CFA", type="RAM",
    manifestVars = manifests,
    latentVars = "F1",
    # Factor loadings
    mxPath(from="F1", to = manifests, arrows=1, free=T, values=1, labels=c("l1","l2","l3")),
    # Manifest continuous mean & residual variance (both free)
    mxPath(from="one", to = continuousVars, arrows=1, free=T, values=0, labels="meancont1"),
    mxPath(from=continuousVars            , arrows=2, free=T, values=1, labels="e1" ),
    # Ordinal manifests mean and variance fixed at 0 & 1
        # The thresholds will be computed as being based off this underlying normal distribution)
    mxPath(from="one", to = ordinalVars, arrows=1, free=F, values=0, labels=c("meanord1","meanord2")),
    mxPath(from=ordinalVars            , arrows=2, free=F, values=1, labels=c("e2","e3")),
    # fix latent variable variance @1 & mean @0 
    mxPath(from="F1"          , arrows=2, free=F, values=1, labels ="varF1"),
    mxPath(from="one", to="F1", arrows=1, free=F, values=0, labels="meanF1"),
    # Make a matrix as wide as the number of ordinal variables (2), and as many rows as the max # of thresholds (3) - 1
    # In this case that is 2 * 2
    # leave it free where there is a real threshold to be set, and fill the rest of each column fixed @NA
    # set the column names to the name of the ordinal variables: that is how OpenMx maps into this threshold matrix
    mxMatrix("Full", nrow=2, ncol=2, byrow=T, name="thresh",
        dimnames = list(c(), ordinalVars),
        free  = c(T, T ,
                  F, T), 
        values = c(0, -1,
                  NA,  1)
    # Add some data
    mxData(df, type="raw"), 
       # tell the mxRAMObjective that we have not only A,S, F and M matrices, but also some ordinal vars with thresholds  
       mxRAMObjective(A="A", S="S", F="F", M="M", thresholds="thresh")
# run!
m1 = mxRun(m1); summary(m1)
free parameters:
       name matrix   row   col   Estimate  Std.Error lbound ubound
1        l1      A cont1    F1 -0.1953311 0.04115263              
2        l2      A  ord1    F1 -1.0135426        NaN              
3        l3      A  ord2    F1 -4.3049347        NaN              
4        e1      S cont1 cont1  0.9571266 0.06018277              
5 meancont1      M     1 cont1  2.9876221 0.04461568              
6      <NA> thresh     1  ord1 -1.3038918        NaN              
7      <NA> thresh     1  ord2 -2.1373824        NaN              
8      <NA> thresh     2  ord2  5.7570834        NaN              
observed statistics:  1500 
estimated parameters:  8 
degrees of freedom:  1492 
-2 log likelihood:  2678.115 
saturated -2 log likelihood:  NA 
number of observations:  500 
chi-square:  NA 
p:  NA 
Information Criteria: 
    df Penalty Parameters Penalty Sample-Size Adjusted
AIC  -305.8846           2694.115                   NA
BIC -6594.0798           2727.832              2702.44
Image icon MIMIC.png29.38 KB
Binary Data MIMIC.R4.03 KB
Binary Data joint_ordinal_CFA.R3.75 KB