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Revision of omxGetParameters from Thu, 07/08/2010 - 11:48

Revisions allow you to track differences between multiple versions of your content, and revert back to older versions.

Use this function if you want to find which parameters are free your model and what values are attached.

Called like this:

omxGetParameters(model, indep=F)


A <- mxMatrix('Full', 3, 3, labels = c('a','b', NA), values=1:9, free = TRUE, name = 'A');
model <- mxModel(A, name = 'model')

 a    b    
   1   2    3    6    9 

> A
     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] "a"  "b"  NA  
[2,] "a"  "b"  NA  
[3,] "a"  "b"  NA  

     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    1    2    3
[2,]    4    5    6
[3,]    7    8    9

omxSetParameters, omxAssignFirstParameters