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citation("OpenMx") currently throws a warning at the end:

To cite package ‘OpenMx’ in publications use:

Steven Boker, Michael Neale, Hermine Maes, Paras Metah, Sarah Kenny, Timothy Bates, Ryne Estabrook, Jeffrey Spies, Timothy Brick
and Michael Spiegel (). OpenMx: The OpenMx Statistical Modeling Package. R package version 0.2.10-1172.

A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is

title = {OpenMx: The OpenMx Statistical Modeling Package},
author = {Steven Boker and Michael Neale and Hermine Maes and Paras Metah and Sarah Kenny and Timothy Bates and Ryne Estabrook and Jeffrey Spies and Timothy Brick and Michael Spiegel},
year = {},
note = {R package version 0.2.10-1172},
url = {},

ATTENTION: This citation information has been auto-generated from the package DESCRIPTION file and may need manual editing, see
‘help("citation")’ .
Warning message:
In citation("OpenMx") :
no date field in DESCRIPTION file of package 'OpenMx'

Thu, 03/25/2010 - 07:13
Fri, 07/08/2011 - 16:10


Some comments:
(#1) I changed the order of the authors in the DESCRIPTION file to match the current order in the OpenMx announcement article. If there's some reason the two orders should be different, that issue is open for discussion. Although I believe the issue will be made irrelevant (see #3).
(#2) I added a 'Date' field to the DESCRIPTION file. That was an oversight on my part. I'll make sure to update the 'Date' field for each binary release.
(#3) The correct solution would be to add a CITATION file to the OpenMx package. I'll make sure to add the file once the OpenMx announcement has been accepted. With the CITATION file, then citation("OpenMx") will ignore the contents of the DESCRIPTION file.

I think we need to update the citation(OpenMx) result because the paper is now out, but OpenMx seems to think it is still in press.

Updated inst/CITATION file. Build from the svn repository to see the new version.

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.