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Timing reported by summary() seems to be wrong

Running a model reported

frontend elapsed time: 0.7429769 secs
backend elapsed time: 2.985495 mins
looks ok but in fact I system.time'd the run and it reported:

> system.time(multivTwinSatFit<-mxRun(multivTwinSatModel))
Running multivTwinSat
user system elapsed
177.301 0.608 179.884

so there are some 175 seconds missing from the tally.

Also, the results from a run with @independent=T under snowfall are different and seem to be basically reporting zero seconds for backend elapsed time.

Thu, 02/04/2010 - 11:28
Thu, 03/11/2010 - 12:55


Umm, the backend elapsed time is reported in minutes. 3 minutes is about 180 seconds. But the elapsed time numbers are wrong when using snowfall. I'm not sure whether to add up all the times for the independent processes (but that is compute time not elapsed time), or just report elapsed time in which case I cannot separate front-end and back-end time.

> 2.98549560
[1] 179.1297
> (2.985495
[1] 179.8727

Looks pretty close to me.

Not sure what's wrong with the snowfall reporting.

Yup, my duh, didn't see the different format time metric (too conditioned by Mx1 which reports time in the same metric DD:HH:MM:SS:hh). Am not keen on the automagic switching of units, tbh.

I changed summary() output to show frontendTime, backendTime, and independentTime. The third value is the total time spend executing independent submodels (that includes the frontendTime + backendTime for the submodels). I also added the option submodels = FALSE to the summary() function. It will ignore independent submodels when computing the summary (much faster). See ?summary for help.

Seems to be working.

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.