This will be a rolling list of features added to the website:
- Developers will now see submenus under the commit log
- Michael fixed Subscriptions.
- Changed the title to "OpenMx" and hardcoded the h1 and title to included " - Advanced Structural Equation Modeling"
- Looks like Drupal 6.14 introduced a bug in forum replies. Fixed for now.
- Again, haven't done this for a while.
- Updated a few modules in Drupal.
- Updated Drupal to 6.14 from 6.13
- Oops, forgot to do this for a while.
- File types (diff patch mx mplus r) added to the allowed uploaded files.
- Updated the wiki with a line on how to add pages (/node/add/wiki/).
- A repository viewer added to the site; linked into Commit Log.
- Diffs via Trac linked into Commit Log.
- A Website forum has been created in the OpenMx Developer Forums container.
- Added Google Analytics
- Added Google Webmaster tracking