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mxTryHard status codes

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Rachel's picture
Joined: 02/08/2012 - 11:08
mxTryHard status codes

Dear all,

I have been running a model within a loop over several variables, which does not converge well for all variables. Therefore, I applied mxTryHard. There are two things I noticed:

1) for models that run well without calling mxTryHard the best fit does not seem to change using mxTryHard, but the status code changes from 0 to -1

> fit1 <- mxRun(model,intervals =F)
> fit1$output$Minus2LogLikelihood
[1] 4595.342
> fit1$output$status
[1] 0
[1] 0

> fit2$output$Minus2LogLikelihood
[1] 4595.342
[1] -1

[1] 0

2) even when I set "intervals=F" (like in the example above) the mxTryHard option computes intervals.

Can you help?
Thanks in advance

CharlesD's picture
Joined: 04/30/2013 - 11:05
Thanks Rachel. The first bug

Thanks Rachel. The first bug you mention should already be resolved in the development version of OpenMx. The second is a good point, I will adjust this. These changes will be available in the next release, or by building OpenMx from source.

Rachel's picture
Joined: 02/08/2012 - 11:08
Thank you!

Thank you!

martonandko's picture
Joined: 02/19/2015 - 06:55
Expirience same problem

Hi all,

I experience the same status code = -1 problem in case of any model I run with mxTryHard, be it a model that results in "Solution found", or a model that results: "OpenMx status code 1 greater than 0; Not all eigenvalues of hessian are greater than 0; Retry limit reached, "

I'm running OpenMx version: 2.3.1 [GIT v2.3.1], R version: R version 3.2.1 (2015-06-18), Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32, Default optimiser: NPSOL, installed from the website.

Does this mean both models converged (MxStatus Green)?

AdminRobK's picture
Joined: 01/24/2014 - 12:15
Status code = -1 means

Status code = -1 means premature termination of the optimizer, so I don't think any models converged. Based on the information in your post, I'm not sure what's going on, though. Could you copy-paste the messages printed to the screen by mxTryHard()?

martonandko's picture
Joined: 02/19/2015 - 06:55
Thanks for having a look at

Thanks for having a look at it!

Limiting the extra runs to 1 to supress output (output the same for 10 extra runs), mxTryHard returns:

Begin fit attempt 1 of at maximum 2 tries
 Lowest minimum so far:  461.211751950297
 Not all eigenvalues of hessian are greater than 0: 559.193020473922, 486.393117628652, 204.302637390566, 187.97870749209, 174.565171935069, 127.448215232486, 34.6394063711714, 4.85183481710131, 1.37182372473253, -0.127544032337779
Begin fit attempt 2 of at maximum 2 tries
 Lowest minimum so far:  461.211751950279
 OpenMx status code 1 greater than 0
 Not all eigenvalues of hessian are greater than 0: 559.192121639248, 486.392579488029, 204.304599125184, 187.979472270581, 174.565930769942, 127.448041794442, 34.6396697751378, 4.8521695638418, 1.37244146991232, -0.126964546464526
Retry limit reached
Estimate confidence intervals for imperfect solution
Start values from best fit:

@output$status returns:

[1] -1
[1] 0

In case of a model where it says, solution found:

Begin fit attempt 1 of at maximum 11 tries
 Lowest minimum so far:  461.211751950294
 OpenMx status code 1 greater than 0
Begin fit attempt 2 of at maximum 11 tries
 Lowest minimum so far:  461.211751950276
 OpenMx status code 1 greater than 0
Begin fit attempt 3 of at maximum 11 tries
 Lowest minimum so far:  461.211751950274
Solution found
Estimating confidence intervals
Start values from best fit:

But the status is the same as the previuos model:

[1] -1
[1] 0
AdminRobK's picture
Joined: 01/24/2014 - 12:15
status code is probably spurious

Hmm. OK, it would appear that the optimizer is NOT terminating prematurely. I would guess that the second model in your post converged, but that the first one (with just one extra try) didn't.

I think the status code of -1 is spurious, and due to a bug.

martonandko's picture
Joined: 02/19/2015 - 06:55
Is there a work around?

Thanks for the information! mxTryHard really seems like a nice tool, hope the bug can be fixed easily. Is there a way to identify mxTryHard runs which terminate with a solution, other than the status code for the time being?

Two other interesting things, which might be bugs is:
-if I rerun a fitted model, which was fitted with mxTryHard with the simple mxRun command, the status code stays -1 for all models.
-if I don't include the "intervals = T" command in the mxTryHard command, and rerun the fitted model with the simple mxRun command with the "intervals = T" command, then it doesn't calculate the confidence intervals.

CharlesD's picture
Joined: 04/30/2013 - 11:05
Thanks for pointing these

Thanks for pointing these out, they all stem from the one issue which needs to be fixed really. For the moment, a work around would be to use omxGetParameters() to extract the estimates from the mxTryhard with intervals=F solution, and omxSetParameters() to assign these values to an unfitted model, then fit this with mxRun and intervals=T. Or just pay attention to whether mxtryhard reports 'solution found' or not - this indicates that the fit prior to estimating confidence intervals was accepted, and confidence interval estimation won't change this. Sorry for the fuss! :)

CharlesD's picture
Joined: 04/30/2013 - 11:05
Any chance you can supply a

deleted my comment and taking a look