I am writing a function that returns the standardized parameter estimates for multigroup models. I would like to start the output for each group with something like:
"standardized estimates [model name]"
However, I can not figure out how to extract the model name from the output. Is it possible to get it?
For example if the output object looks like below, how do I extract 'men2'?
MxModel 'men2'
type : default
@matrices : 'L', 'F', 'Q', 'T', and 'K'
@algebras : 'S' and 'M'
@constraints :
@intervals :
@latentVars : none
@manifestVars : none
@data : 5 x 5
@data means : 1 x 5
@data type: 'cov'
@submodels :
@objective : MxMLObjective
@independent : FALSE
@options :
@output : FALSE
Thanks in advance! Suzanne
Ah, it is slightly hidden. You'll be able to extract the name with
Great, thank you!