G1: Define Matrices Data Calc NGroups=3 Begin Matrices; A full 1 1 free C full 1 1 free E full 1 1 free T full 1 1 free ! moderator-linked A component U full 1 1 free ! moderator-linked C component V full 1 1 free ! moderator-linked E component M full 1 1 free ! grand mean B full 1 1 free ! moderator-linked means model H full 1 1 R full 1 1 ! twin 1 moderator (definition variable) S full 1 1 ! twin 2 moderator (definition variable) End Matrices; Ma T 0 Ma U 0 Ma V 0 Ma M 0 Ma B 0 Ma A 1 Ma C 1 Ma E 1 Matrix H .5 Options NO_Output Intervals @95 a 1 1 ! Genetic components of variance Intervals @95 c 1 1 ! SE components of variance Intervals @95 e 1 1 ! NE components of variance Intervals @95 t 1 1 ! Genetic components of variance GXE Intervals @95 u 1 1 ! SE components of variance moderatorXC Intervals @95 v 1 1 ! NE components of variance moderarotXE End G2: MZ Data NInput_vars=6 NObservations=0 Missing =-999.00 RE File=liage93.dat Labels id zyg p1 p2 m1 m2 Select if zyg = 1 / Select p1 p2 m1 m2 / Definition m1 m2 / Matrices = Group 1 Means M + B*R |M + B*S / Covariance (A+T*R)*(A+T*R)' + (C+U*R)*(C+U*R)' + (E+V*R)*(E+V*R)' | (A+T*R)*(A+T*S)' + (C+U*R)*(C+U*S)' _ (A+T*S)*(A+T*R)' + (C+U*S)*(C+U*R)' | (A+T*S)*(A+T*S)' + (C+U*S)*(C+U*S)' + (E+V*S)*(E+V*S)' / !twin 1 moderator variable Specify R -1 !twin 2 moderator variable Specify S -2 Options NO_Output End G3: DZ Data NInput_vars=6 NObservations=0 Missing =-999.00 RE File=liage93.dat Labels id zyg p1 p2 m1 m2 Select if zyg = 2 / Select p1 p2 m1 m2 / Definition m1 m2 / Matrices = Group 1 Means M + B*R |M + B*S / Covariance (A+T*R)*(A+T*R)' + (C+U*R)*(C+U*R)' + (E+V*R)*(E+V*R)' | H@(A+T*R)*(A+T*S)' + (C+U*R)*(C+U*S)' _ H@(A+T*S)*(A+T*R)' + (C+U*S)*(C+U*R)' | (A+T*S)*(A+T*S)' + (C+U*S)*(C+U*S)' + (E+V*S)*(E+V*S)' / !twin 1 moderator variable Specify R -1 !twin 2 moderator variable Specify S -2 options multiple Issat rs End