Running CholAE with 8 parameters Running CholCE with 8 parameters Error: The job for model 'CholCE' exited abnormally with the error message: fit is not finite (The continuous part of the model implied covariance (loc2) is not positive definite in data '' row 41. Detail: covariance = matrix(c( # 4x4 1.11116151182595, 0.0131778757846627, 0.127050489960296, 0.0131778743185457 , 0.0131778757846627, 0.00574420775068502, 0.0131778743185457, 0.00574420775068502 , 0.127050489960296, 0.0131778743185457, 1.11116151182595, 0.0131778757846627 , 0.0131778743185457, 0.00574420775068502, 0.0131778757846627, 0.00574420775068502), byrow=TRUE, nrow=4, ncol=4) ) In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)