> tssem2.2 <- tssem2(tssem2.1, + Amatrix = A2, + Smatrix = S2, + intervals.type = "LB", + diag.constraints = TRUE, + mx.algebras = list(indirectEffect = mxAlgebra(a*b, name="indirectEffect"))) > tssem2.2 Call: wls(Cov = pooledS, aCov = aCov, n = tssem1.obj$total.n, RAM = RAM, Amatrix = Amatrix, Smatrix = Smatrix, Fmatrix = Fmatrix, diag.constraints = diag.constraints, cor.analysis = cor.analysis, intervals.type = intervals.type, mx.algebras = mx.algebras, model.name = model.name, suppressWarnings = suppressWarnings, silent = silent, run = run) Structure: Length Class Mode call 16 -none- call Cov 9 -none- numeric aCov 9 -none- numeric noObservedStat 1 -none- numeric n 1 -none- numeric cor.analysis 1 -none- logical diag.constraints 1 -none- logical Constraints 3 -none- logical indepModelChisq 1 -none- numeric indepModelDf 1 -none- numeric mx.model 1 MxModel S4 mx.fit 1 MxModel S4 mx.algebras 1 -none- character intervals.type 1 -none- character> summary(tssem2.2) Call: wls(Cov = pooledS, aCov = aCov, n = tssem1.obj$total.n, RAM = RAM, Amatrix = Amatrix, Smatrix = Smatrix, Fmatrix = Fmatrix, diag.constraints = diag.constraints, cor.analysis = cor.analysis, intervals.type = intervals.type, mx.algebras = mx.algebras, model.name = model.name, suppressWarnings = suppressWarnings, silent = silent, run = run) 95% confidence intervals: Likelihood-based statistic Coefficients: Estimate Std.Error lbound ubound z value Pr(>|z|) b -0.023514031 NA -0.218473352 0.176795884 NA NA c -0.239276449 NA -0.376071546 -0.108083390 NA NA a 0.348132852 NA 0.248035022 0.448230294 NA NA Var_AV 0.938276434 NA 0.877105284 0.977357109 NA NA Var_Med 0.878803517 NA 0.799089561 0.938478285 NA NA mxAlgebras objects (and their 95% likelihood-based CIs): lbound Estimate ubound indirectEffect[1,1] -0.07808770636 -0.008186006614 0.06752595153 Goodness-of-fit indices: Value Sample size 1326.00000 Chi-square of target model 0.00000 DF of target model 0.00000 p value of target model 0.00000 Number of constraints imposed on "Smatrix" 2.00000 DF manually adjusted 0.00000 Chi-square of independence model 65.19075 DF of independence model 3.00000 RMSEA 0.00000 RMSEA lower 95% CI 0.00000 RMSEA upper 95% CI 0.00000 SRMR 0.00000 TLI -Inf CFI 1.00000 AIC 0.00000 BIC 0.00000 OpenMx status1: 0 ("0" or "1": The optimization is considered fine. Other values indicate problems.)