fakeData <- function(dataset, digits=2, n=NA, use.names=TRUE, use.levels=TRUE, use.miss=TRUE, mvt.method="eigen", het.ML=FALSE, het.suppress=TRUE){ # This function takes as argument an existing dataset, which # must be either a matrix or a data frame. Each column of the # dataset must consist either of numeric variables or ordered # factors. When one or more ordered factors are included, # then a heterogeneous correlation matrix is computed using # John Fox' polycor package. Pairwise complete observations # are used for all covariances, and the exact pattern of # missing data present in the input is placed in the output, # provided a new sample size is not requested. Warnings from # the hetcor function are suppressed. # Author: Ryne Estabrook # Created: 17 Aug 2010 require(mvtnorm) require(polycor) # requires data frame or matrix if((is.data.frame(dataset)+is.matrix(dataset))==0){ warning("Data must be a data frame or matrix") } # organization row <- dim(dataset)[1] # number of rows if(is.na(n))(n <- row) # sets unspecified sample size to num rows col <- dim(dataset)[2] # number of columns del <- is.na(dataset) # records position of NAs in dataset if(n!=row){ select <- round(runif(n, 0.5, row+.49),0) del <- del[select,] } num <- rep(NA, col) # see what's not a factor ord <- rep(NA, col) # see what's an ordered factor # which columns are numeric (the others are factors)? for (i in 1:col){ num[i] <- is.numeric(dataset[,i]) ord[i] <- is.ordered(dataset[,i]) } # check for unordered factors location <- !(num|ord) unorder <- sum(location) if(unorder>0)warning( paste("Unordered factor detected in variable(s):", names(dataset)[location] ) ) # if everything is numeric, don't invoke polycor if(sum(!num)==0){ # generate data with rmvnorm fake <- rmvnorm(n, apply(dataset, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE), cov(dataset, use="pairwise.complete.obs"), mvt.method) # round the data to the requested digits fake <- round(fake, digits) # insert the missing data, if so requested if(use.miss==TRUE)(fake[del] <- NA) # give the variables names, if so requested if(use.names==TRUE)(names(fake) <- names(dataset)) # return the new data return(fake) } # if there are factors, we start here # find the variable means (constrain to zero for factors) mixedMeans <- rep(0, col) mixedMeans[num] <- apply(dataset[,num], 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE) # estimate a heterogeneous correlation matrix if (het.suppress==TRUE){ suppressWarnings(het <- hetcor(dataset, ML=het.ML)) } else (het <- hetcor(dataset, ML=het.ML)) mixedCov <- het$correlations # make a diagonal matrix of standard deviations to turn the # correlation matrix into a covariance matrix stand <- matrix(0, col, col) diag(stand) <- rep(1, col) diag(stand)[num] <- apply(dataset[,num], 2, sd, na.rm=TRUE) # pre and post multiply hetero cor matrix by diagonal sd matrix mixedCov <- stand %*% mixedCov %*% stand # generate the data fake <- as.data.frame(rmvnorm(row, mixedMeans, mixedCov, mvt.method)) # insert the missing data, if so requested if(use.miss==TRUE)(fake[del] <- NA) # turn the required continuous variables into factors for (i in (1:col)[!num]){ # the original data for this column old <- dataset[,i] # the new data for this column, omiting NAs new <- fake[!is.na(fake[,i]),i] # what are the levels of the original factor? lev <- levels(old) # establish cutpoints in new variable from cdf of old factor cut <- cumsum(table(old))/(sum(!is.na(old))) # put continuous variable into a matrix, repeating value across columns wide <- matrix(new, length(new), length(lev)) # put the cutpoints in a matrix, repeating the cut point values across rows crit <- matrix(quantile(new, cut), length(new), length(lev), byrow=TRUE) # for each value (row of the wide matrix), # how many cutpoints is the value greater than? # number of cutpoints surpassed=category fake[!is.na(fake[,i]),i] <- apply(wide>crit, 1, sum) # make it a factor fake[,i] <- factor(fake[,i], ordered=TRUE) # give the new factor the same levels as the old variable if(length(levels(fake[,i]))!=length(lev))message( paste("Fewer categories in simulated variable", names(fake)[i], "than in input variable", names(dataset)[i])) if(use.levels==TRUE&(length(levels(fake[,i]))==length(lev))){ levels(fake[,i]) <- lev} else (levels(fake[,i]) <- 1:length(lev)) } # round the data to the requested digits fake[,num] <- round(fake[,num], digits) # give the variables names, if so requested if(use.names==TRUE)(names(fake) <- names(dataset)) # return the new data return(fake) }