CON & SE |con_se <- read.csv("con_se.csv") library("metafor")| |## Loading required package: Matrix| |## Loading 'metafor' package (version 2.4-0). For an overview ## and introduction to the package please type: help(metafor).| |library("metaSEM")| |## Loading required package: OpenMx| |## ## Attaching package: 'OpenMx'| |## The following objects are masked from 'package:Matrix': ## ## %&%, expm| |## "SLSQP" is set as the default optimizer in OpenMx.| |## mxOption(NULL, "Gradient algorithm") is set at "central".| |## mxOption(NULL, "Optimality tolerance") is set at "6.3e-14".| |## mxOption(NULL, "Gradient iterations") is set at "2".| Moderator analysis |con_se.mod.fiml <- meta3X(y=y.c, v=v.c, cluster=sample_nr, x2 = cbind(year, interval.months, idv, class, se_academic, se_subject, se_performance, pers_self, pers_retr, pers_prosp), data=con_se, = "FIML model", intervals.type="z")| |## Error in running the mxModel: ## | |con_se.mod.fiml <- meta3X(y=y.c, v=v.c, cluster=sample_nr, x2 = c(year, interval.months, idv, class, se_academic, se_subject, se_performance, pers_self, pers_retr, pers_prosp), data=con_se, = "FIML model", intervals.type="z") summary(rerun(con_se.mod.fiml))| |## Running FIML model with 7 parameters| |## ## Beginning initial fit attempt| |## Running FIML model with 7 parameters| |## ## Lowest minimum so far: 5985.06351661603| |## OpenMx status code 6 not in list of acceptable status codes, (0,1)| |## Not all eigenvalues of the Hessian are positive: 51759023129.2349, 19316432.7768248, 4.95587093264445, 0.0546468696462735, 0.00230661199939619, 3.05880839676697e-09, -0.220238356664249| |## ## Beginning fit attempt 1 of at maximum 10 extra tries| |## Running FIML model with 7 parameters| |## ## Lowest minimum so far: 5869.99881771891| |## ## Solution found| |## ## Solution found! Final fit=5869.9988 (started at 10358.67) (2 attempt(s): 2 valid, 0 errors)| |## ## Call: ## meta3X(y = y.c, v = v.c, cluster = sample_nr, x2 = c(year, interval.months, ## idv, class, se_academic, se_subject, se_performance, pers_self, ## pers_retr, pers_prosp), data = con_se, intervals.type = "z", ## = "FIML model") ## ## 95% confidence intervals: z statistic approximation (robust=FALSE) ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std.Error lbound ubound z value Pr(>|z|) ## Intercept 4.2169e-01 6.0243e+01 -1.1765e+02 1.1850e+02 7e-03 0.9944 ## SlopeX2_1 -5.7983e-08 3.2281e+05 -6.3270e+05 6.3270e+05 0e+00 1.0000 ## Tau2_2 3.0460e-03 6.2811e+03 -1.2311e+04 1.2311e+04 0e+00 1.0000 ## Tau2_3 2.0328e-02 2.9129e+02 -5.7089e+02 5.7093e+02 1e-04 0.9999 ## ## Explained variances (R2): ## Level 2 Level 3 ## Tau2 (no predictor) 3.046e-03 0.0203 ## Tau2 (with predictors) 3.046e-03 0.0203 ## R2 1.147e-07 0.0000 ## ## Number of studies (or clusters): 19 ## Number of observed statistics: 885 ## Number of estimated parameters: 7 ## Degrees of freedom: 878 ## -2 log likelihood: 5869.999 ## OpenMx status1: 0 ("0" or "1": The optimization is considered fine. ## Other values may indicate problems.)| Meta-Regression II: alternative using substitution of median for missing moderator values |# replace missing values in class with median(class) con_se$class1 <- con_se$class con_se$class1 <- replmiss(con_se$class1, median(con_se$class1, na.rm = T)) # replace missing values in interval with median(interval) con_se$interval.months1 <- con_se$interval.months con_se$interval.months1 <- replmiss(con_se$interval.months1, median(con_se$interval.months1, na.rm = T)) # replace missing values in idv con_se$idv1 <- con_se$idv con_se$idv1 <- replmiss(con_se$idv1, median(con_se$idv1, na.rm = T)) | |con_se.mod.subst <- meta3(y=y.c, v=v.c, cluster=sample_nr, x = cbind(year, interval.months1, idv1, class1, se_academic, se_subject, se_performance, pers_self, pers_retr, pers_prosp), data=con_se, = "FIML model", intervals.type="z") summary(rerun(rerun(con_se.mod.subst)))| |## Running FIML model with 13 parameters| |## ## Beginning initial fit attempt| |## Running FIML model with 13 parameters| |## OpenMx status code 6 not in list of acceptable status codes, (0,1)| |## Not all eigenvalues of the Hessian are positive: 358619240720.277, 24496071346.3601, 111720578.114342, 480267.338462971, 5899.03975016962, 1212.48325228369, 747.962927881905, 373.565455786753, 360.046714406672, 148.249653291949, 10.2479938872039, -67.6077827467656, -174.742888289843| |## ## Beginning fit attempt 1 of at maximum 10 extra tries| |## Running FIML model with 13 parameters| |## ## Lowest minimum so far: -86.1755947455597| |## OpenMx status code 6 not in list of acceptable status codes, (0,1)| |## ## Beginning fit attempt 2 of at maximum 10 extra tries| |## Running FIML model with 13 parameters| |## ## Lowest minimum so far: -86.1755947455599| |## OpenMx status code 6 not in list of acceptable status codes, (0,1)| |## ## Beginning fit attempt 3 of at maximum 10 extra tries| |## Running FIML model with 13 parameters| |## ## Lowest minimum so far: -86.17559474556| |## OpenMx status code 6 not in list of acceptable status codes, (0,1)| |## ## Beginning fit attempt 4 of at maximum 10 extra tries| |## Running FIML model with 13 parameters| |## ## Fit attempt worse than current best: 3253042.84714927 vs -86.17559474556| |## ## Beginning fit attempt 5 of at maximum 10 extra tries| |## Running FIML model with 13 parameters| |## OpenMx status code 6 not in list of acceptable status codes, (0,1)| |## ## Beginning fit attempt 6 of at maximum 10 extra tries| |## Running FIML model with 13 parameters| |## OpenMx status code 6 not in list of acceptable status codes, (0,1)| |## ## Beginning fit attempt 7 of at maximum 10 extra tries| |## Running FIML model with 13 parameters| |## ## Fit attempt worse than current best: 4997581.79361511 vs -86.17559474556| |## ## Beginning fit attempt 8 of at maximum 10 extra tries| |## Running FIML model with 13 parameters| |## ## Solution found| |## ## Solution found! Final fit=-86.175595 (started at 40903961) (9 attempt(s): 9 valid, 0 errors)| |## Running FIML model with 13 parameters| |## ## Beginning initial fit attempt| |## Running FIML model with 13 parameters| |## ## Lowest minimum so far: -86.1755947455597| |## OpenMx status code 6 not in list of acceptable status codes, (0,1)| |## ## Beginning fit attempt 1 of at maximum 10 extra tries| |## Running FIML model with 13 parameters| |## ## Lowest minimum so far: -86.1755947455599| |## OpenMx status code 6 not in list of acceptable status codes, (0,1)| |## ## Beginning fit attempt 2 of at maximum 10 extra tries| |## Running FIML model with 13 parameters| |## OpenMx status code 6 not in list of acceptable status codes, (0,1)| |## ## Beginning fit attempt 3 of at maximum 10 extra tries| |## Running FIML model with 13 parameters| |## OpenMx status code 6 not in list of acceptable status codes, (0,1)| |## ## Beginning fit attempt 4 of at maximum 10 extra tries| |## Running FIML model with 13 parameters| |## OpenMx status code 6 not in list of acceptable status codes, (0,1)| |## ## Beginning fit attempt 5 of at maximum 10 extra tries| |## Running FIML model with 13 parameters| |## ## Solution found| |## ## Solution found! Final fit=-86.175595 (started at -86.175595) (6 attempt(s): 6 valid, 0 errors)| |## ## Call: ## meta3(y = y.c, v = v.c, cluster = sample_nr, x = cbind(year, ## interval.months1, idv1, class1, se_academic, se_subject, ## se_performance, pers_self, pers_retr, pers_prosp), data = con_se, ## intervals.type = "z", = "FIML model") ## ## 95% confidence intervals: z statistic approximation (robust=FALSE) ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std.Error lbound ubound z value Pr(>|z|) ## Intercept 8.7600e+00 1.8218e+01 -2.6946e+01 4.4467e+01 0.4808 0.630625 ## Slope_1 -3.9181e-03 9.1422e-03 -2.1836e-02 1.4000e-02 -0.4286 0.668231 ## Slope_2 -4.7943e-03 2.3034e-03 -9.3089e-03 -2.7962e-04 -2.0814 0.037401 * ## Slope_3 -5.6291e-02 1.8162e-01 -4.1225e-01 2.9967e-01 -0.3099 0.756604 ## Slope_4 -5.3043e-02 1.6777e-02 -8.5926e-02 -2.0160e-02 -3.1616 0.001569 ** ## Slope_5 9.6157e-03 7.5531e-02 -1.3842e-01 1.5765e-01 0.1273 0.898697 ## Slope_6 -1.2612e-01 7.3864e-02 -2.7090e-01 1.8646e-02 -1.7075 0.087725 . ## Slope_7 -1.7167e-01 9.2417e-02 -3.5280e-01 9.4673e-03 -1.8575 0.063237 . ## Slope_8 3.7527e-01 1.5140e-01 7.8546e-02 6.7200e-01 2.4788 0.013183 * ## Slope_9 -7.1314e-02 4.6549e-02 -1.6255e-01 1.9921e-02 -1.5320 0.125521 ## Slope_10 -8.1544e-02 4.1927e-02 -1.6372e-01 6.3125e-04 -1.9449 0.051786 . ## Tau2_2 3.2940e-03 1.6166e-03 1.2557e-04 6.4624e-03 2.0376 0.041586 * ## Tau2_3 1.5797e-03 2.6992e-03 -3.7107e-03 6.8702e-03 0.5852 0.558380 ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Q statistic on the homogeneity of effect sizes: 501.8658 ## Degrees of freedom of the Q statistic: 44 ## P value of the Q statistic: 0 ## ## Explained variances (R2): ## Level 2 Level 3 ## Tau2 (no predictor) 0.0053749 0.0116 ## Tau2 (with predictors) 0.0032940 0.0016 ## R2 0.3871531 0.8643 ## ## Number of studies (or clusters): 19 ## Number of observed statistics: 45 ## Number of estimated parameters: 13 ## Degrees of freedom: 32 ## -2 log likelihood: -86.17559 ## OpenMx status1: 0 ("0" or "1": The optimization is considered fine. ## Other values may indicate problems.)| |, v.c, random = ~ 1 | sample_nr/effect_nr, mods=~ year + interval.months1 + idv1 + class1 + se + pers_rater + pers_retro, data= con_se)| |## ## Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 45; method: REML) ## ## Variance Components: ## ## estim sqrt nlvls fixed factor ## sigma^2.1 0.0073 0.0857 19 no sample_nr ## sigma^2.2 0.0037 0.0605 45 no sample_nr/effect_nr ## ## Test for Residual Heterogeneity: ## QE(df = 34) = 153.7273, p-val < .0001 ## ## Test of Moderators (coefficients 2:11): ## QM(df = 10) = 26.7261, p-val = 0.0029 ## ## Model Results: ## ## estimate se zval pval ci.ub ## intrcpt 7.5785 24.0262 0.3154 0.7524 -39.5120 54.6691 ## year -0.0032 0.0120 -0.2654 0.7907 -0.0268 0.0204 ## interval.months1 -0.0047 0.0025 -1.9140 0.0556 -0.0095 0.0001 ## idv1 -0.1208 0.2322 -0.5201 0.6030 -0.5758 0.3343 ## class1 -0.0424 0.0160 -2.6424 0.0082 -0.0738 -0.0109 ## segeneral SE 0.0041 0.0960 0.0426 0.9660 -0.1841 0.1923 ## seperformance SE -0.1841 0.0851 -2.1637 0.0305 -0.3508 -0.0173 ## sesubject SE -0.1304 0.0668 -1.9533 0.0508 -0.2613 0.0004 ## pers_raterself-rated 0.2907 0.1685 1.7245 0.0846 -0.0397 0.6210 ## pers_retropers -> se/ach -0.0758 0.0502 -1.5085 0.1314 -0.1742 0.0227 ## pers_retrose/ach -> pers -0.0764 0.0470 -1.6274 0.1037 -0.1685 0.0156 ## ## intrcpt ## year ## interval.months1 . ## idv1 ## class1 ** ## segeneral SE ## seperformance SE * ## sesubject SE . ## pers_raterself-rated . ## pers_retropers -> se/ach ## pers_retrose/ach -> pers ## ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1|