Categorical predictors and outcomes
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I am trying to build a model that includes morbidity count (0,1,2,3) as both a predictor and an outcome in the same structural equation model.
We created a simulated data set and tested our model, but unfortunately, the results are funky. Morbidity as the count outcome (with poisson dist) works, but issues arise with morbidity count as a predictor. I am guessing it is treating it as a continuous variable, which is not correct. Does anyone know of any tips/ideas to ensure that the count data is treated as such when it is a predictor?
This is a our SEM structure:
morbidity ~ beginningweight
morbidity ~ gender
endingweight ~ beginningweight
endingweight ~ morbidity
endingweight ~ gender
beginningweight ~ gender
Thank you,
SEM’s exogenous distributions
Usually, the distribution of an exogenous variable is not relevant to the, e.g., multivariate normality assumption because the assumption concerns the residuals’ distribution after the exogenous variables’ effects have been removed. In your case, I wonder what the joint and conditional distributions look like. It’s a bit difficult to tell what’s going on without more diagnostic information than “results are funky.”
I take it that the ~’s are causal paths. It’s a pity the RAM notation of -> and <-> was not adopted by LAVAAN; despite the extra typing, RAM notation makes it immediately obvious what kind of path it is without having to look it up.
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In reply to SEM’s exogenous distributions by AdminNeale
Thanks for the response. I
Yes, I used lavaan so far. I am just exploring other options for now.
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What sort of thing did you
Yes, but the
has the same meaning that it does in R formulae, i.e. "is regressed onto".Log in or register to post comments
demo script
Are you sure the distribution of your morbidity variable is reasonably well approximated by a Poisson distribution? Count variables assessed in human subjects are quite often overdispersed, i.e., their variance substantially exceeds their mean (whereas the mean and variance of a Poisson distribution are equal).
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In reply to demo script by AdminRobK
Great, thank you for the
I've been using lavaan so that's why I used the "~" symbol, but I was exploring other software/package options because what happens is the coefficient for morbidity -> ending weight is not what we specified in the simulation.
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data generation?
OK good, that keeps things simple.
Could you share how you're simulating your data? If so, I can probably spot any discrepancy between how you're generating data and what the SEM software is doing. I might also be able to write an OpenMx script tailored to your simulated data.
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