Error message of mxTryhard() with NPSOL optimizer
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Joined: 02/23/2018
Hi everyone,
I installed OpenMx2.11 thought source('') and wanted to switch optimizer by mxOption(NULL,"Default optimizer","NPSOL"), but I got error message
Error in runHelper(model, frontendStart, intervals, silent, suppressWarnings, :
NPSOL is not available in this build. See ?omxGetNPSOL() to download this optimizer
I also had the same error message when I tried to use cluster to run the model.
How can I fix it? Any advice would be appreciated!
restart R?
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In reply to restart R? by AdminRobK
After restarting, still error
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In reply to After restarting, still error by Veronica_echo
Also, I failed to open the
Try , and in the future, do a Content search instead of a Google search.
What version of R are you running? Are you running macOS? If so, what version?
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In reply to Also, I failed to open the by AdminRobK
R: 3.5.1 MacOS: 10.14.1
MacOS: 10.14.1
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In reply to R: 3.5.1 MacOS: 10.14.1 by Veronica_echo
static-linking issue?
I do have two guesses as to what might be going on. My first guess is that our macOS OpenMx build for R v3.5 wasn't correctly statically linked to the OpenMP library (what we use for multithreading under Unix-likes). That has been a recurring problem that rears its ugly head at least once per year. My other guess is that some idiosyncrasy of macOS 10.14.1 "Mojave"--which is not even two months old--is causing the problem, though I think that's rather unlikely.
You mentioned upthread that you also ran into difficulty on the cluster. Would you mind elaborating on that?
Edit: my first guess turned out to be correct.
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In reply to static-linking issue? by AdminRobK
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In reply to cluster by Veronica_echo
go ahead
Sure. You have my email address.
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In reply to Also, I failed to open the by AdminRobK
Error message with NPSOL optimizer
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some suggestions & install.OpenMx("NPSOL")
2. if you have install.packages("umx"), you can use it's helper to get the NPSOL and travis versions for Mac OS
3. I'm not able to replicate the error about "not finding lib" under OpenMx 2.11.5/R 3.5.1
umx version: 2.9.0
OpenMx version: 2.11.5 [GIT v2.11.5]
R version: R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0
MacOS: 10.14.2
Default optimiser: CSOLNP
NPSOL-enabled?: Yes
OpenMP-enabled?: Yes
You can update OpenMx with:
install.OpenMx(c("NPSOL", "travis", "CRAN"))
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In reply to some suggestions & install.OpenMx("NPSOL") by tbates
development machine or not?
Is the Mac on which you tried to reproduce the error configured for building OpenMx? Because if so, and if my first suspicion here is correct, then you would certainly not encounter the same error, because the OpenMx build would try to dynamically load the OpenMP library, and succeed.
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Install from Travis instead?
then restart R and see if it works after that?
The versions I build (and the travis one) should have the libraries attached, due to use of a script - but perhaps it hit a snag.
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In reply to Install from Travis instead? by AdminNeale
This link works
It works. Thank you.
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In reply to Install from Travis instead? by AdminNeale
Error message with NPSOL optimizer
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