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GenEpiHelperFunctions.R location --> move to SVN?

people are referring to GenEpiHelperFunctions.R without a path. This means we can't know what version they have, nor can anyone not au-fee with the source of that file use the posted code.
To keep the file up to date, and accessible, should we move it into the svn under a directory like "libraries" or "user", or even "demo"?
That would mean all users would get it, and it would be kept up to date.

Otherwise perhaps encourage something like


or perhaps put it in a separate svn repo, and source it in scripts with a full path?

Of these, i'd probably favour putting into the same directory that contains demo scripts, as it is essentially a demo of a library :-)

Thu, 02/25/2010 - 04:31
Thu, 03/25/2010 - 12:07


The appropriate location for this file would be branches/TwinWorkshop2010/R. The TwinWorkshop2010 directory is setup for exporting as an R package. Run "make" in that directory for instructions on creating a package. I set up the svn branch as a convenience for the workshop, but I have my hands full with the trunk repository. Feel free to move the file to that location and upload the package to CRAN. Whoever uploads the package the CRAN should take ownership of the "Maintainer" line in the DESCRIPTION file in that directory.

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