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graphviz filter in the web site

Drupal has a graphiviz filter, with what seems like pretty straight-forward installation:

Would be great to have that installed here, and enabled as a filter in the wiki, forums, and docs: Very helpful if people can include diagrams in posts.

Mon, 10/19/2009 - 06:34
Tue, 09/13/2016 - 11:51


I've installed graphviz on my desktop now, and it works nicely: I think this would be a really nice improvement on the web site.

OK I followed all the directions on the graphviz_filter module site. I updated /opt/local/apache2/bin/envvars and tried to restart apache, but drupal still can't find dot in its path: Once that problem is solved, this should work. I'm passing this on to somebody else.

Thanks Michael - glad to see this move along.

I can't see that status page, but hopefully this path problem can be solved... not sure what environment drupal's uses to get paths... perhaps needs path as ./ or in full

Anyhow: thanks for the work: appreciated!

bump: this would make the forums much nicer, and, I think, help with debugging questions, as a diagram can show what Openmx thinks a person is asking for and vice versa

We could now implement this using a javascript library, like

An ignorant question from me: what would this allow users to do that they cannot currently do merely with inlined images attached to posts?

just enter something like

< code>
A->B [label b]

and get a picture that another user can see, while preserving code they can replying too, copy, edit, and correct... Leaves the semantics intact, which pictures consume in their making.