OpenMx Structural Equation Modeling

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Picture of user. paulT Joined: 11/03/2017

Empirical Underidentification with a bifactor type model

First post by new user: Can anyone give some advice on an empirical under-identification issue please? I am trying to fit the following model:

resVars <- mxPath( from=mylabels, arrows=2,
free=TRUE, values=rep(1,12),
labelatVars <- mxPath( from=c("X1","X2"), arrows=2, connect="unique.pairs",
free=c(TRUE,FALSE,TRUE), values=c(1,0,1), labels=c("varX1","cov","varX2") )

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No user picture. cjcook Joined: 05/22/2017

LISREL Simulation


I am trying to simulate data using the endogenous variables only LISREL model as seen on page 133 of the OpenMx.pdf help documentation. I was able to simulate data from a state space model using the example in the help documentation on page 174. Now I am modifying that piece of code for a LISREL model. However I am running into an error. Below is my code.

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Picture of user. Soyoung Joined: 05/08/2017

multilevel path/structural equation models in OpenMx


Is it possible to estimate multilevel path/structural equation models with OpenMx?
If it is possible, is there an example code for multilevel mediation (path) model?

Attached files are the example of multilevel path model using Mplus.
Source: Heck, R. H., & Thomas, S. L. (2015). An introduction to multilevel modeling techniques: MLM and SEM approaches using Mplus. Routledge.

Hope I can do the same analysis using OpenMx.

Thank you in advance.

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Picture of user. iloo Joined: 05/26/2010

Optimization issues - binary with low prevalence

I work with OpenMx using a bit different data than most others; often data comes from a full population and has quite many rows (up to 3 million). A common type of analysis is for relatives with one or more binary variables, e.g. observed disease diagnosis, where the prevalence is low, e.g. 1% to 0.05%. The complexity of the models vary from simple 2x2 covariance matrices without any definition variables to 8x8 covariance matrices with several definition variables adjusting the means/thresholds.

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No user picture. IvanVoronin Joined: 08/18/2013

Wierd estimate of mean in a simple model

Dear all,

I've met a weird issue with means running a simple model.

The data:

The covariance matrix corresponds the model:
X -> Z = 0.5
Y -> Z = 0.5
X <-> Y = 3
X <-> X = 10
Y <-> Y = 10
Z <-> Z = 3.5
All means are 100

The model:
aModel<-mxModel(type='RAM',name='Phenotypic model',

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Picture of user. rabil Joined: 01/14/2010

Interpreting Output from mxTryHardOrdinal

The output below says a solution was found, but was it?

Begin fit attempt 21 of at maximum 21 tries

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Picture of user. rabil Joined: 01/14/2010

Constrain Total Variance instead of Residual Variance in Ordinal Threshold Path Mdel

The path specification for an ordinal model in the documentation constrains the residual variances for the ordinal variables to 1. I would like to instead constrain the total variance for the ordinal variables to 1. But I'm not sure how to accomplish this. When the total variance is constrained to 1, there residual variance is constrained to 1 minus the factor loading squared (the factor loadings are constrained to be between -1 and 1) as I understand it.
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Picture of user. Charlotte Joined: 07/02/2012

Simplex models with thresholds - CIs?

Dear all,

I have fitted a simplex model with six time points. It's a threshold model with 2 thresholds. I fixed the thresholds and freely estimated the means. I used the CSOLNP optimizer.

I get stable estimates, they are in accordance with what I would expect based on the univariate results, and the gradients look ok.

As a next step, I wanted to calculate confidence intervals, but I only get this:

confidence intervals:
lbound estimate ubound note
atm21 NA 0.4871751 NA !!!

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No user picture. Jorien Joined: 02/08/2013

Joint Ordinal-Continuous Model

Hi everyone,

I am trying to run a joint ordinal-continuous model.
In my model I have a continuous variable (varA) and an ordinal variable with 1 threshold (varB).
There are 5 zygosity groups (MZM, DZM, MZF, DZF, DOS) and a covariate age which
I modeled separately for men and women.

The model is actually running perfectly fine (no errors) and the estimates for the thresholds for varB
look good and are what I would have expected.
However, the estimates for the means are all way too low when I compare them with the raw data.