OpenMx Error Messages

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Picture of user. AdminRobK Joined: 01/24/2014

Please read before posting: Help us help you!

If you are posting to ask for help with an error message, we ask that your post include, at minimum, the following:

  1. The actual text of the error message.
  2. The version of OpenMx you're running (enter mxVersion() at the R prompt).
  3. The version of R you're running.
  4. Your operating system and architecture (e.g., "x86_64 Linux").
  5. OpenMx's default optimizer (which will always be NPSOL for OpenMx versions 1.4 or older).
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Picture of user. mspiegel Joined: 07/31/2009

General strategies

  1. Use the traceback() function in R after an error occurs.
    It will print out the sequence of function calls that lead to the error.
  2. Simplify your code. This may help you locate an error more easily. For example, replace the following:
    foo <- mxModel(mxMatrix('Full', 1, 2, name = 'a'), 
        mxAlgebra(a + a, 'b'), mxAlgebraObjective('b'))


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No user picture. eitaknam Joined: 03/27/2022

NPSOL is not available in this build

I experienced the below error message when I am running the ACE model:
Running oneSATc with 10 parameters
Error in runHelper(model, frontendStart, intervals, silent, suppressWarnings, :
NPSOL is not available in this build. See ?omxGetNPSOL() to download this optimizer
This is the version of my MacOS and OpenMX:

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No user picture. eitaknam Joined: 03/27/2022

NPSOL is not available in this build

I experienced the below error message when I am running the ACE model:
Running oneSATc with 10 parameters
Error in runHelper(model, frontendStart, intervals, silent, suppressWarnings, :
NPSOL is not available in this build. See ?omxGetNPSOL() to download this optimizer
This is the version of my MacOS and OpenMX:

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Picture of user. Joined: 09/09/2021

Error Code 6


I have written up a script using a RAM formulation and so is maximizing the likelihood using the mxExpectationRAM() function with raw data. I have got a warning message with status code 6 when I ran my model in openMX. The model was identified, which was tested by mxCheckIdentification().

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No user picture. ssciarra Joined: 01/08/2021

Error only occurring on Amazon linux instance

I am trying to run simulations on an Amazon linux instance and get the following error when I use `mxAutoStart()` to generate starting values :
#install_github("sciarraseb/nonlinSims", dependencies = T, force=T)

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Picture of user. Arthur Joined: 02/13/2020

Error: [...] fit is not finite

Dear OpenMx experts/users,

I am using an ACE univariate script with AE, CE and E nested models. I think that the script itself is good and makes sense, however, using a relatively small dataset (40 MZ pairs; 25 DZ pairs) (this is fMRI data), I get the following error message:

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No user picture. Kenji_UIUC Joined: 05/03/2019

NPSOL Optimizer error

I'm experiencing some issues with the twin code from the 2018 IBG workshop. It seems like the NPSOL optimizer isn't working.




The following happens :
###what I type

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No user picture. Aivil Joined: 03/14/2019

Error Message - LCGA 1 Class

Could you help me understanding the following error message when fitting a 1class LCGA (Script and summary attached)?
Eventually, I obtain the results, but I am a bit skeptical due to the error message.

Fit attempt 10, fit=364650.77991012, new current best! (was 366100.551846931)Error in array(x, c(length(x), 1L), if (!is.null(names(x))) list(names(x), :
'data' must be of a vector type, was 'NULL'

Retry limit reached; solution not found. Best fit=364650.78 (started at 1881335.6) (11 attempt(s): 9 valid, 2 errors)

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No user picture. Aivil Joined: 03/14/2019

Error Message - Quadratic Growth Model (Even after mxTryHard)


-> Can you help me understanding why I get this error message when fitting this unconditional quadratic growth model?
-> Once running the script attached, I get this error:

Running Quadratic Growth Model, Path Specification with 10 parameters
Error: The job for model 'Quadratic Growth Model, Path Specification' exited abnormally with the error message: fit is not finite (The continuous part of the model implied covariance (loc2) is not positive definite in data 'Quadratic Growth Model, Path' row 8664.