mxOption {OpenMx}R Documentation

Set or Clear an Optimizer Option


The function sets or clears an option that is specific to the optimizer in the back-end.


mxOption(model, key, value, reset = FALSE)



An MxModel object or NULL


The name of the option.


The value of the option.


If TRUE then reset all options to their defaults.


Sets an option that is specific to the particular optimizer used in the back-end. The name of the option is the ‘key’ argument. Use value = NULL to remove an existing option. Before the model is submitted to the back-end, all keys and values are converted into strings using the as.character function. To reset all options to their default values, use reset = TRUE. If reset = TRUE, then 'key' and 'value' are ignored. To set the default optimizer options, use the value NULL for the ‘model’ argument. Use getOption('mxOptions') to see the default optimizer options.

OpenMx options

Calculate Hessian [Yes|No] calculate the hessian explicitly after optimization.
Standard Errors [Yes|No] return standard error estimates from the explicitly calculate hessian.
CI Max Iterations i the maximum number of retries when calculating confidence intervals.

NPSOL-specific options

Nolist this option suppresses printing of the options
Print level i the value of i controls the amount of printout produced by the major iterations
Minor print level i the value of i controls the amount of printout produced by the minor iterations
Print file i for i > 0 a full log is sent to the file with logical unit number i.
Summary file i for i > 0 a brief log will be output to file i.
Function precision r a measure of accuracy with which f and c can be computed.
Infinite bound size r if r > 0 defines the "infinite" bound bigbnd.
Feasibility tolerance r the maximum acceptable absolute violations in linear and nonlinear constraints.
Major iterations i the maximum number of major iterations before termination.
Verify level [-1:3|Yes|No] see NPSOL manual.
Line search tolerance r controls the accuracy with which a step is taken.
Derivative level [0-3] see NPSOL manual.
Hessian [Yes|No] return the transformed Hessian (if ‘


) or the Hessian itself (if ‘



Checkpointing options

Checkpoint Directory the directory where to write checkpoint files
Checkpoint Prefix the string prefix to add to all checkpoint filenames
Checkpoint Units the type of units for checkpointing: 'minutes' or 'iterations'
Checkpoint Count the number of units between checkpoint intervals
Socket Server the server name for sending optimizer state information
Socket Port the port on the server for sending optimizer state information
Socket Units the type of units: 'minutes' or 'iterations'
Socket Count the number of units between communication to the server

Model transformation options

Error Checking "Yes" or "No" on whether model consistency checks are performed in the OpenMx front-end
No Sort Data character vector of model names for which FIML data sorting is not performed
RAM Inverse Optimization "Yes" or "No" whether to enable solve(I - A) optimization
RAM Max Depth the maximum depth to be used when solve(I - A) optimization is enabled


Returns the model with the optimizer option either set or cleared.


The OpenMx User's guide can be found at

See Also

mxModel all uses of mxOption are via an mxModel whose options are set or cleared.


model <- mxModel() # make a model to use for example
model@options # show the model options (none yet)
options()$mxOptions # list all mxOptions (global settings)

model <- mxOption(model, "Function precision", 1e-5) # set the precision
model <- mxOption(model, "Function precision", NULL) # clear model-specific precision (defaults to global setting)
model <- mxOption(model, "Calculate Hessian", "No")  # may optimize for speed 
model <- mxOption(model, "Standard Errors"  , "No")  # may optimize for speed 
model@options # see the list of options you set

[Package OpenMx version 1.2.0-1931 Index]