require(OpenMx) manifests<-names(data[4:19]) latents<-c("negaf","exsurg","effcont") factorModel<-mxModel("exampl 3 factor", type="RAM", mxData(observed=data,type="raw"), manifestVars=c("al","an","ap","af","as","ds","so","fe","hp","im","ic","lp","se","sd","sh","sl"), latentVars=c("negaf","exsurg","effcont"), mxPath(from="negaf", to=c("ap","ds","fe","an","sd","so","se"), arrows=1, free=c(FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE), values=c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1)), mxPath(from="exsurg",to=c("ap","hp","sl","al","ds","fe","an","so"), arrows=1, free=c(FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE), values=c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)), mxPath(from="effcont",to=c("ap","hp","sl","al","so","ic","af","lp","se"), arrows=1, free=c(FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE), values=c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)), mxPath(from=c("al","an","ap","af","as","ds","so","fe","hp","im","ic","lp","se","sd","sh","sl"), arrows=2, free=TRUE, values=c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1), ), mxPath(from=c("negaf","exsurg","effcont"),arrows=2, connect="unique.pairs", free=TRUE, values=(c(1,.5,.5,1,.5,.5))), mxPath(from="one", to=c("al","an","ap","af","as","ds","so","fe","hp","im","ic","lp","se","sd","sh","sl","negaf","exsurg","effcont"), arrows=1, free=c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE), values=(c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0)), )) Running exampl 3 factor data: $`exampl 3` id assess calcage al an ap af as ds so Min. : 1011 Min. : 1.000 Min. : 36.44 Min. :3.380 Min. :2.420 Min. :2.690 Min. :1.560 Min. :1.000 Min. :1.750 Min. :1.920 1st Qu.: 2074 1st Qu.: 3.000 1st Qu.: 57.78 1st Qu.:4.867 1st Qu.:3.540 1st Qu.:4.652 1st Qu.:2.560 1st Qu.:3.200 1st Qu.:3.580 1st Qu.:3.590 Median : 4016 Median : 3.000 Median : 67.75 Median :5.620 Median :4.250 Median :5.130 Median :3.000 Median :3.600 Median :4.000 Median :4.355 Mean : 9137 Mean : 4.522 Mean : 70.47 Mean :5.449 Mean :4.287 Mean :5.088 Mean :3.059 Mean :3.642 Mean :4.052 Mean :4.253 3rd Qu.:17036 3rd Qu.: 6.000 3rd Qu.: 83.09 3rd Qu.:6.000 3rd Qu.:4.850 3rd Qu.:5.622 3rd Qu.:3.750 3rd Qu.:4.200 3rd Qu.:4.595 3rd Qu.:4.902 Max. :28011 Max. :12.000 Max. :118.08 Max. :7.000 Max. :7.000 Max. :7.000 Max. :5.440 Max. :6.400 Max. :7.000 Max. :6.000 NA's :2 NA's :1 fe hp im ic lp se sd sh sl Min. :1.750 Min. :2.150 Min. :2.430 Min. :1.540 Min. :3.230 Min. :2.08 Min. :1.500 Min. :1.450 Min. :2.580 1st Qu.:2.900 1st Qu.:4.000 1st Qu.:4.250 1st Qu.:2.745 1st Qu.:4.690 1st Qu.:3.50 1st Qu.:2.830 1st Qu.:3.425 1st Qu.:5.310 Median :3.360 Median :4.580 Median :4.750 Median :3.110 Median :5.150 Median :4.17 Median :3.410 Median :4.000 Median :5.760 Mean :3.516 Mean :4.504 Mean :4.803 Mean :3.193 Mean :5.127 Mean :4.19 Mean :3.487 Mean :4.269 Mean :5.649 3rd Qu.:4.170 3rd Qu.:5.000 3rd Qu.:5.420 3rd Qu.:3.770 3rd Qu.:5.673 3rd Qu.:4.89 3rd Qu.:4.170 3rd Qu.:5.460 3rd Qu.:6.165 Max. :6.080 Max. :7.000 Max. :6.330 Max. :4.920 Max. :6.850 Max. :6.42 Max. :6.330 Max. :6.920 Max. :6.920 NA's :5 NA's :1 NA's :2 NA's :9 NA's :4 free parameters: name matrix row col Estimate Std.Error Std.Estimate Std.SE lbound ubound 1 exampl 3 factor.A[2,17] A an negaf 1.512223041 0.341897173 0.72960777 0.16495638 2 exampl 3 factor.A[6,17] A ds negaf 1.231923397 0.340561334 0.66364238 0.18346184 3 exampl 3 factor.A[7,17] A so negaf -1.016926715 0.279421349 -0.55609966 0.15279972 4 exampl 3 factor.A[8,17] A fe negaf 1.404277869 0.419532836 0.68998566 0.20613559 5 exampl 3 factor.A[13,17] A se negaf 0.911046423 0.265462394 0.44119136 0.12855516 6 exampl 3 factor.A[14,17] A sd negaf 1.610837620 0.354396847 0.80479725 0.17706168 7 exampl 3 factor.A[1,18] A al exsurg 1.533660257 0.622641056 0.54796286 0.22246399 8 exampl 3 factor.A[2,18] A an exsurg 0.326029634 0.393021834 0.09501622 0.11454004 9 exampl 3 factor.A[6,18] A ds exsurg -0.805830932 0.607706433 -0.26221734 0.19774764 10 exampl 3 factor.A[7,18] A so exsurg -0.418666658 0.392580887 -0.13829243 0.12967587 11 exampl 3 factor.A[8,18] A fe exsurg -2.001438908 1.062472338 -0.59401363 0.31533466 12 exampl 3 factor.A[9,18] A hp exsurg 1.845907027 0.788688043 0.66749039 0.28519405 13 exampl 3 factor.A[16,18] A sl exsurg 1.079714295 0.473292204 0.43752836 0.19179033 14 exampl 3 factor.A[1,19] A al effcont -4.940049161 6.259467095 -0.56593862 0.71709289 15 exampl 3 factor.A[4,19] A af effcont 5.477811449 6.197053619 0.62547987 0.70760600 16 exampl 3 factor.A[7,19] A so effcont 4.790709826 5.728705285 0.50739478 0.60673997 17 exampl 3 factor.A[9,19] A hp effcont 1.137157161 1.252047887 0.13184746 0.14516845 18 exampl 3 factor.A[11,19] A ic effcont 6.042938816 6.699451377 0.72873217 0.80790256 19 exampl 3 factor.A[12,19] A lp effcont 4.160658407 4.813245843 0.55955664 0.64732151 20 exampl 3 factor.A[13,19] A se effcont 4.270324465 4.715239480 0.40052582 0.44225566 21 exampl 3 factor.A[16,19] A sl effcont 2.909209599 3.023348365 0.37799710 0.39282729 22 exampl 3 factor.S[1,1] S al al 0.308366086 0.081648845 0.46796977 0.12390854 23 exampl 3 factor.S[2,2] S an an 0.388348818 0.078196643 0.39211239 0.07895446 24 exampl 3 factor.S[3,3] S ap ap 0.365418876 0.071321310 0.43066132 0.08405512 25 exampl 3 factor.S[4,4] S af af 0.403802666 0.073285710 0.60877494 0.11048591 26 exampl 3 factor.S[5,5] S as as 1.045993941 0.155926989 1.00000000 0.14907064 27 exampl 3 factor.S[6,6] S ds ds 0.522602137 0.091865584 0.65782955 0.11563653 28 exampl 3 factor.S[7,7] S so so 0.367619007 0.075484240 0.47683188 0.09790923 29 exampl 3 factor.S[8,8] S fe fe 0.538996264 0.134289011 0.56441840 0.14062285 30 exampl 3 factor.S[9,9] S hp hp 0.329345320 0.078015265 0.51195189 0.12127108 31 exampl 3 factor.S[10,10] S im im 0.708700592 0.106237957 1.00000000 0.14990527 32 exampl 3 factor.S[11,11] S ic ic 0.278876202 0.065964408 0.46894943 0.11092367 33 exampl 3 factor.S[12,12] S lp lp 0.328437056 0.058942680 0.68689636 0.12327328 34 exampl 3 factor.S[13,13] S se se 0.562330262 0.102993232 0.57201290 0.10476665 35 exampl 3 factor.S[14,14] S sd sd 0.325389499 0.071638721 0.35230139 0.07756372 36 exampl 3 factor.S[15,15] S sh sh 1.652757057 0.246371919 1.00000000 0.14906723 37 exampl 3 factor.S[16,16] S sl sl 0.316827752 0.060476055 0.61847934 0.11805529 38 exampl 3 factor.S[17,17] S negaf negaf 0.230546547 0.097572890 1.00000000 0.42322425 39 exampl 3 factor.S[17,18] S negaf exsurg 0.066825043 0.027892341 0.47985892 0.20029001 40 exampl 3 factor.S[18,18] S exsurg exsurg 0.084118736 0.064623000 1.00000000 0.76823551 41 exampl 3 factor.S[17,19] S negaf effcont 0.009212535 0.010620520 0.20631812 0.23785046 42 exampl 3 factor.S[18,19] S exsurg effcont 0.003849442 0.005301794 0.14272134 0.19656854 43 exampl 3 factor.S[19,19] S effcont effcont 0.008648184 0.019408402 1.00000000 2.24421698 44 exampl 3 factor.M[1,1] M 1 al 5.449220872 0.085566393 NA NA 45 exampl 3 factor.M[1,2] M 1 an 4.287096244 0.104902362 NA NA 46 exampl 3 factor.M[1,3] M 1 ap 5.075971621 0.097734567 NA NA 47 exampl 3 factor.M[1,4] M 1 af 3.055320093 0.086214344 NA NA 48 exampl 3 factor.M[1,5] M 1 as 3.642220648 0.107806058 NA NA 49 exampl 3 factor.M[1,6] M 1 ds 4.051879838 0.093952411 NA NA 50 exampl 3 factor.M[1,7] M 1 so 4.253337037 0.092553940 NA NA 51 exampl 3 factor.M[1,8] M 1 fe 3.513585842 0.105277616 NA NA 52 exampl 3 factor.M[1,9] M 1 hp 4.503768290 0.084545470 NA NA 53 exampl 3 factor.M[1,10] M 1 im 4.803031428 0.089235245 NA NA 54 exampl 3 factor.M[1,11] M 1 ic 3.190862005 0.081885888 NA NA 55 exampl 3 factor.M[1,12] M 1 lp 5.126992893 0.072888601 NA NA 56 exampl 3 factor.M[1,13] M 1 se 4.143510791 0.108540144 NA NA 57 exampl 3 factor.M[1,14] M 1 sd 3.480954115 0.102484167 NA NA 58 exampl 3 factor.M[1,15] M 1 sh 4.268554602 0.135513626 NA NA 59 exampl 3 factor.M[1,16] M 1 sl 5.648879452 0.075444641 NA NA observed statistics: 1416 estimated parameters: 59 degrees of freedom: 1357 -2 log likelihood: 3338.14 saturated -2 log likelihood: NA number of observations: 90 chi-square: NA p: NA Information Criteria: df Penalty Parameters Penalty Sample-Size Adjusted AIC: 624.1398 3456.140 NA BIC: -2768.1020 3603.629 3417.42 CFI: NA TLI: NA RMSEA: NA timestamp: 2012-09-28 16:28:16 frontend time: 0.04299998 secs backend time: 2.861 secs independent submodels time: 0 secs wall clock time: 2.904 secs cpu time: 2.904 secs openmx version number: 1.3.0-2169