Fixed variance Call: wls(Cov = pooledS, asyCov = asyCov, n = tssem1.obj$total.n, Amatrix = Amatrix, Smatrix = Smatrix, Fmatrix = Fmatrix, diag.constraints = diag.constraints, cor.analysis = cor.analysis, intervals.type = intervals.type, mx.algebras = mx.algebras, =, suppressWarnings = suppressWarnings) 95% confidence intervals: Likelihood-based statistic Coefficients: Estimate Std.Error lbound ubound z value Pr(>|z|) Amatrix[1,6] 0.57255 NA 0.47370 0.67690 NA NA Amatrix[2,6] 0.59010 NA 0.49047 0.69487 NA NA Amatrix[3,6] 0.77046 NA 0.65994 0.90431 NA NA Amatrix[4,7] 0.69340 NA 0.56258 0.87183 NA NA Amatrix[5,7] 0.64011 NA 0.50833 0.78644 NA NA Smatrix[1,1] 0.67218 NA 0.54176 0.77561 NA NA Smatrix[2,2] 0.65178 NA 0.51711 0.75944 NA NA Smatrix[3,3] 0.40640 NA 0.18193 0.56452 NA NA Smatrix[4,4] 0.51919 NA 0.23937 0.68353 NA NA Smatrix[5,5] 0.59026 NA 0.38131 0.74161 NA NA Smatrix[7,6] 0.39366 NA 0.30236 0.49030 NA NA Goodness-of-fit indices: Value Sample size 4496.0000 Chi-square of target model 8.5118 DF of target model 4.0000 p value of target model 0.0745 Number of constraints imposed on "Smatrix" 5.0000 DF manually adjusted 0.0000 Chi-square of independence model 514.5591 DF of independence model 10.0000 RMSEA 0.0158 SRMR 0.0463 TLI 0.9776 CFI 0.9911 AIC 0.5118 BIC -25.1319 OpenMx status1: 0 ("0" and "1": considered fine; other values indicate problems) Fixed loadings Call: wls(Cov = pooledS, asyCov = asyCov, n = tssem1.obj$total.n, Amatrix = Amatrix, Smatrix = Smatrix, Fmatrix = Fmatrix, diag.constraints = diag.constraints, cor.analysis = cor.analysis, intervals.type = intervals.type, mx.algebras = mx.algebras, =, suppressWarnings = suppressWarnings) 95% confidence intervals: Likelihood-based statistic Coefficients: Estimate Std.Error lbound ubound z value Pr(>|z|) Amatrix[1,6] 4.7893e-01 NA 4.0293e-01 5.5486e-01 NA NA Amatrix[2,6] 4.7913e-01 NA 4.0570e-01 5.5247e-01 NA NA Amatrix[5,7] 4.6184e-01 NA 3.9906e-01 5.2454e-01 NA NA Smatrix[1,1] 7.7063e-01 NA 6.9212e-01 8.3764e-01 NA NA Smatrix[2,2] 7.7043e-01 NA 6.9477e-01 8.3540e-01 NA NA Smatrix[3,3] -2.3417e-17 NA -2.3417e-17 -2.3417e-17 NA NA Smatrix[4,4] -2.3417e-17 NA -2.3408e-17 -2.3408e-17 NA NA Smatrix[5,5] 7.8670e-01 NA 7.2486e-01 8.4074e-01 NA NA Smatrix[6,6] 1.0000e+00 NA 1.0000e+00 1.0000e+00 NA NA Smatrix[7,6] 2.5973e-01 NA 2.0189e-01 3.1752e-01 NA NA Goodness-of-fit indices: Value Sample size 4496.0000 Chi-square of target model 26.1085 DF of target model 7.0000 p value of target model 0.0005 Number of constraints imposed on "Smatrix" 7.0000 DF manually adjusted 0.0000 Chi-square of independence model 514.5591 DF of independence model 10.0000 RMSEA 0.0246 SRMR 0.0807 TLI 0.9459 CFI 0.9621 AIC 12.1085 BIC -32.7681 OpenMx status1: 0 ("0" and "1": considered fine; other values indicate problems)