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mxModel, remove = T

There seems to be a bug in mxModel when remove=T
example code
thisOMxModel <- mxModel("testModel", mxMatrix(name="Afac", type="Full",nrow=8,ncol=5))
testit <- mxModel(thisOMxModel, mxMatrix(name="Afac", type="Full",nrow=8,ncol=5), remove=T)

Error in as.character.default() :

no method for coercing this S4 class to a vector

Thu, 11/19/2009 - 03:59
Thu, 12/03/2009 - 18:55


The old behavior for mxModel(remove=TRUE) was to accept character strings in the "..." argument list. Sorry this was not documented. So the following example would (and still does) work:

thisOMxModel <- mxModel("testModel", mxMatrix(name="Afac", type="Full",nrow=8,ncol=5))
testit <- mxModel(thisOMxModel, "Afac", remove=T)

I've checked in a patch, so as of revision 973 the remove=TRUE will accept any combination of character names and S4 named entities.

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.