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result of mxRun cannot be run as a model

Currently this doesn't work:


pre>fit= mxRun(model); mxRun(fit)

The result is:

  Running twinACE
  Running twinACE
  Error: The expected means matrix associated with the FIML objective function in model    
     'twinACE' does not contain dimnames.

I guess the dimnames are being stripped off in the result making the resulting fit not a runnable model.

Sat, 09/19/2009 - 08:48
Mon, 09/28/2009 - 22:35


Whoops. Fixed in r830.


FYI running mxRun output as input takes much less time...

fit   = mxRun(model)
Running common_path_constraint_ACE 
(returns in 8 seconds)
> mxRun(fit)
Running common_path_constraint_ACE 
# returning after 2-3 seconds
Warning message:
In model 'common_path_constraint_ACE' NPSOL returned a non-zero status code 1. 
The final iterate satisfies the optimality conditions to the accuracy requested, but the sequence of
iterates has not yet converged. NPSOL was terminated because no further improvement could be
made in the merit function (Mx status GREEN).