Multipurpose Software for Statistical Modeling

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Documentation for package ‘OpenMx’ version 2.0.0-3838

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C D E F G I L M N O P R S T U V Z misc

MxAlgebraFunction-package Perform some function on matrices
OpenMx-package OpenMx: An package for Structural Equation Modeling and Matrix Algebra Optimization

-- C --

cvectorize Vectorize By Column

-- D --

diag2vec Extract Diagonal of a Matrix
DiagMatrix-class MxMatrix Class
dim-method MxMatrix Class
dimnames-method MxAlgebra Class
dimnames-method MxMatrix Class
dimnames<--method MxAlgebra Class
dimnames<--method MxMatrix Class

-- E --

eigenval Eigenvector/Eigenvalue Decomposition
eigenvec Eigenvector/Eigenvalue Decomposition

-- F --

FullMatrix-class MxMatrix Class

-- G --

genericFitDependencies-method Add dependencies

-- I --

IdenMatrix-class MxMatrix Class
ieigenval Eigenvector/Eigenvalue Decomposition
ieigenvec Eigenvector/Eigenvalue Decomposition
imxAddDependency Add a dependency
imxCheckMatrices imxCheckMatrices
imxCheckVariables imxCheckVariables
imxConstraintRelations imxConstraintRelations
imxConvertIdentifier imxConvertIdentifier
imxConvertLabel imxConvertLabel
imxConvertSubstitution imxConvertSubstitution
imxCreateMatrix Create a matrix
imxCreateMatrix-method Create a matrix
imxDataTypes Valid types of data that can be contained by MxData
imxDeparse Deparse for MxObjects
imxDeparse-method Deparse for MxObjects
imxDependentModels Are submodels dependence?
imxDiff Set difference on regular types or S4 objects
imxDmvnorm A C implementation of dmvnorm
imxEvalByName imxEvalByName
imxExtractMethod imxExtractMethod
imxExtractNames imxExtractNames
imxExtractReferences imxExtractReferences
imxExtractSlot imxExtractSlot
imxFilterDefinitionVariables imxFilterDefinitionVariables
imxFlattenModel Remove heirarchical structure from model
imxFreezeModel Freeze model
imxGenerateLabels imxGenerateLabels
imxGenerateNamespace imxGenerateNamespace
imxGenericModelBuilder imxGenericModelBuilder
imxGenSwift imxGenSwift
imxGetSlotDisplayNames imxGetSlotDisplayNames
imxIdentifier imxIdentifier
imxIndependentModels Are submodels independent?
imxInitModel imxInitModel
imxInitModel-method imxInitModel
imxIsDefinitionVariable imxIsDefinitionVariable
imxIsPath imxIsPath
imxLocateFunction imxLocateFunction
imxLocateIndex imxLocateIndex
imxLocateLabel imxLocateLabel
imxLookupSymbolTable imxLookupSymbolTable
imxModelBuilder imxModelBuilder
imxModelBuilder-method imxModelBuilder
imxModelTypes imxModelTypes
imxMpiWrap imxMpiWrap
imxOriginalMx imxOriginalMx
imxPPML.Test.Battery imxPPML.Test.Battery
imxPreprocessModel imxPreprocessModel
imxReplaceMethod imxReplaceMethod
imxReplaceModels Replace parts of a model
imxReplaceSlot imxReplaceSlot
imxReservedNames imxReservedNames
imxReverseIdentifier imxReverseIdentifier
imxSameType imxSameType
imxSeparatorChar imxSeparatorChar
imxSfClient imxSfClient
imxSimpleRAMPredicate imxSimpleRAMPredicate
imxSparseInvert Sparse symmetric matrix invert
imxSquareMatrix imxSquareMatrix
imxSquareMatrix-method imxSquareMatrix
imxSymmetricMatrix imxSymmetricMatrix
imxSymmetricMatrix-method imxSymmetricMatrix
imxTypeName imxTypeName
imxTypeName-method imxTypeName
imxVerifyMatrix imxVerifyMatrix
imxVerifyMatrix-method imxVerifyMatrix
imxVerifyModel imxVerifyModel
imxVerifyModel-method imxVerifyModel
imxVerifyName imxVerifyName
imxVerifyReference imxVerifyReference

-- L --

length-method MxMatrix Class
logm Matrix logarithm
LowerMatrix-class MxMatrix Class

-- M --

MxAlgebra MxAlgebra Class
mxAlgebra Create MxAlgebra Object
MxAlgebraFunction Perform some function on matrices
mxAlgebraObjective DEPRECATED: Create MxAlgebraObjective Object
MxBounds MxBounds Class
mxBounds Create MxBounds Object
MxCharOrList-class A character, list or NULL
MxCharOrNumber-class A character or integer
MxCI MxCI Class
mxCI Create mxCI Object
mxCompare Assign Model Parameters
mxComputeConfidenceInterval Find likelihood-based confidence intervals
MxComputeConfidenceInterval-class Find likelihood-based confidence intervals
mxComputeEM Fit a model using DLR's (1977) Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm
MxComputeEM-class Fit a model using DLR's (1977) Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm
mxComputeGradientDescent Optimize parameters using a gradient descent optimizer
MxComputeGradientDescent-class Optimize parameters using a gradient descent optimizer
mxComputeHessianQuality Compute the quality of the Hessian
MxComputeHessianQuality-class Compute the quality of the Hessian
mxComputeIterate Repeatedly invoke a series of compute objects until change is less than tolerance
MxComputeIterate-class Repeatedly invoke a series of compute objects until change is less than tolerance
mxComputeNewtonRaphson Optimize parameters using the Newton-Raphson algorithm
MxComputeNewtonRaphson-class Optimize parameters using the Newton-Raphson algorithm
mxComputeNothing Compute nothing
mxComputeNumericDeriv Numerically estimate Hessian using Richardson extrapolation
MxComputeNumericDeriv-class Numerically estimate Hessian using Richardson extrapolation
mxComputeOnce Compute something once
MxComputeOnce-class Compute something once
mxComputeReportDeriv Report derivatives
MxComputeReportDeriv-class Report derivatives
mxComputeSequence Invoke a series of compute objects in sequence
MxComputeSequence-class Invoke a series of compute objects in sequence
mxComputeStandardError Compute standard errors given the Hessian or inverse Hessian
MxComputeStandardError-class Compute standard errors given the Hessian or inverse Hessian
MxConstraint MxConstraint Class
mxConstraint Create MxConstraint Object
MxData MxData Class
mxData Create MxData Object
mxDataDynamic Create dynamic data
MxDataDynamic-class Create dynamic data
mxErrorPool Query the Error Pool
mxEval Evaluate Values in MxModel
mxExpectationBA81 Create a Bock & Aitkin (1981) expectation
mxExpectationLISREL Create MxExpectationLISREL Object
MxExpectationLISREL-class Create MxExpectationLISREL Object
mxExpectationNormal Create MxExpectationNormal Object
MxExpectationNormal-class Create MxExpectationNormal Object
mxExpectationRAM Create an MxExpectationRAM Object
MxExpectationRAM-class Create an MxExpectationRAM Object
mxExpectationStateSpace Create an MxExpectationStateSpace Object
MxExpectationStateSpace-class Create an MxExpectationStateSpace Object
mxFactor Fail-safe Factors
mxFIMLObjective DEPRECATED: Create MxFIMLObjective Object
mxFitFunctionAlgebra Create MxFitFunctionAlgebra Object
MxFitFunctionAlgebra-class Create MxFitFunctionAlgebra Object
mxFitFunctionML Create MxFitFunctionML Object
MxFitFunctionML-class Create MxFitFunctionML Object
mxFitFunctionMultigroup Aggregate fit statistics from submodels
MxFitFunctionMultigroup-class Aggregate fit statistics from submodels
mxFitFunctionR Create MxFitFunctionR Object
MxFitFunctionR-class Create MxFitFunctionR Object
mxFitFunctionRow Create an MxFitFunctionRow Object
MxFitFunctionRow-class Create an MxFitFunctionRow Object
MxFlatModel MxFlatModel This is an internal class and should not be used.
MxFlatModel-class MxFlatModel This is an internal class and should not be used.
MxLISRELModel-class MxLISRELModel
mxLISRELObjective Create MxLISRELObjective Object
MxListOrNull-class An optional list
MxMatrix MxMatrix Class
mxMatrix Create MxMatrix Object
mxMLObjective DEPRECATED: Create MxMLObjective Object
MxModel MxModel Class
mxModel Create MxModel Object
MxNonNullData-class MxData Class
mxOption Set or Clear an Optimizer Option
MxOptionalChar-class An optional character
MxOptionalCharOrNumber-class A character, integer, or NULL
MxOptionalLogical-class An optional logical
MxOptionalMatrix-class An optional matrix
MxOptionalNumeric-class An optional numeric
mxPath Create List of Paths
MxPath-class Create List of Paths
MxRAMModel-class MxRAMModel
mxRAMObjective DEPRECATED: Create MxRAMObjective Object
mxRefModels Create Reference (Saturated and Independence) Models
mxRename Rename MxModel or a Submodel
mxRestore Restore From Checkpoint File
mxRObjective DEPRECATED: Create MxRObjective Object
mxRowObjective DEPRECATED: Create MxRowObjective Object
mxRun Send a Model to the Optimizer
mxSetDefaultOptions Reset global options to the default
mxSimplify2Array Like simplify2array but works with vectors of different lengths
mxStandardizeRAMpaths Standardize RAM models' path coefficients
mxSummary Model Summary
mxThreshold Create List of Thresholds
MxThreshold-class Create List of Thresholds
mxTryHard Make multiple attempts to run a model
mxTypes List Currently Available Model Types
mxVersion Returns Current Version String
myFADataRaw Example 500-row dataset with 12 generated variables

-- N --

Named-entities Named Entities
named-entities Named Entities
Named-entity Named Entities
named-entity Named Entities
names-method MxModel Class
ncol-method MxMatrix Class
nrow-method MxMatrix Class

-- O --

omxAllInt All Interval Multivariate Normal Integration
omxAnd Logical mxAlgebra() operators
omxApply On-Demand Parallel Apply
omxApproxEquals Logical mxAlgebra() operators
omxAssignFirstParameters Assign First Available Values to Model Parameters
omxBrownie Make Brownies in OpenMx
omxCbind MxMatrix operations
omxCheckCloseEnough Approximate Equality Testing Function
omxCheckEquals Equality Testing Function
omxCheckIdentical Exact Equality Testing Function
omxCheckSetEquals Set Equality Testing Function
omxCheckTrue Boolean Equality Testing Function
omxCheckWithinPercentError Approximate Percent Equality Testing Function
omxGetParameters Fetch Model Parameters
omxGraphviz Show RAM Model in Graphviz Format
omxGreaterThan Logical mxAlgebra() operators
omxLapply On-Demand Parallel Lapply
omxLessThan Logical mxAlgebra() operators
omxLocateParameters Summarize Model Parameters
omxLogical Logical mxAlgebra() operators
omxMatrixOperations MxMatrix operations
omxMnor Multivariate Normal Integration
omxNot Logical mxAlgebra() operators
omxOr Logical mxAlgebra() operators
omxRbind MxMatrix operations
omxSapply On-Demand Parallel Sapply
omxSaturatedModel Create Reference (Saturated and Independence) Models
omxSelectCols Filter rows and columns from an mxMatrix
omxSelectRows Filter rows and columns from an mxMatrix
omxSelectRowsAndCols Filter rows and columns from an mxMatrix
omxSetParameters Assign Model Parameters
omxTranspose MxMatrix operations
OpenMx OpenMx: An package for Structural Equation Modeling and Matrix Algebra Optimization

-- P --

print-method MxAlgebra Class
print-method MxData Class
print-method MxFlatModel This is an internal class and should not be used.
print-method MxMatrix Class
print-method MxModel Class
print-method Create MxConstraint Object
print-method Create MxExpectationLISREL Object
print-method Create MxExpectationNormal Object
print-method Create an MxExpectationRAM Object
print-method Create an MxExpectationStateSpace Object
print-method Create MxFitFunctionAlgebra Object
print-method Create MxFitFunctionML Object
print-method Create MxFitFunctionR Object
print-method Create an MxFitFunctionRow Object
print-method Create List of Paths
print-method Create List of Thresholds

-- R --

rvectorize Vectorize By Row

-- S --

SdiagMatrix-class MxMatrix Class
show-method MxAlgebra Class
show-method MxData Class
show-method MxFlatModel This is an internal class and should not be used.
show-method MxMatrix Class
show-method MxModel Class
show-method Create MxConstraint Object
show-method Create MxExpectationLISREL Object
show-method Create MxExpectationNormal Object
show-method Create an MxExpectationRAM Object
show-method Create an MxExpectationStateSpace Object
show-method Create MxFitFunctionAlgebra Object
show-method Create MxFitFunctionML Object
show-method Create MxFitFunctionR Object
show-method Create an MxFitFunctionRow Object
show-method Create List of Paths
show-method Create List of Thresholds
StandMatrix-class MxMatrix Class
summary Model Summary
summary-method Model Summary
SymmMatrix-class MxMatrix Class

-- T --

tr Perform some function on matrices
twinData Australian twin sample biometric data.

-- U --

UnitMatrix-class MxMatrix Class

-- V --

vec2diag Create Diagonal Matrix From Vector
vech Half-vectorization
vech2full Inverse Half-vectorization
vechs Strict Half-vectorization
vechs2full Inverse Strict Half-vectorization

-- Z --

ZeroMatrix-class MxMatrix Class

-- misc --

$-method MxFlatModel This is an internal class and should not be used.
$-method MxModel Class
$<--method MxFlatModel This is an internal class and should not be used.
$<--method MxLISRELModel
$<--method MxModel Class
$<--method MxRAMModel
[-method MxMatrix Class
[<--method MxMatrix Class
[[-method MxFlatModel This is an internal class and should not be used.
[[-method MxModel Class
[[<--method MxFlatModel This is an internal class and should not be used.
[[<--method MxLISRELModel
[[<--method MxModel Class
[[<--method MxRAMModel